What is a "machine gun"
A weapon that fired multiple rounds quickly, causing massive casualties.
What are "rats"?
Rodents that infested the trenches, spreading disease.
What year did trench war fare begin?
What is "attrition"?
A military strategy of wearing down the enemy through sustained losses
What is in the middle between the two fields?
No Man's Land
What is "poison gas"?
Chemical weapons like chlorine, mustard gas, and phosgene
What is "trench fever" and what causes it?
A disease spread by lice, causing fever and pain.
How long did the trench warfare last?
4 years
What is a "stalemate"?
A situation in which neither side can gain an advantage
What is lined on the side of the trenches to keep the enemies out?
Barbed wire
What is a "grenade"?
A small explosive device thrown by hand.
What is "mail"?
one of the few ways to stay in contact with loved ones at home.
Who were the Allied powers?
France, Great Brittian, Russia, later USA
What is a "barrage"?
A heavy artillery bombardment
What is the First trench called?
Front Line
What is "artillery"
Large-caliber guns used to bombard enemy positions.
What is "shell shock"?
Psychological trauma caused by the horrors of trench warfare.
Who are the Central Powers?
Germany, Austria-Hungary
What is "over the top"?
The act of soldiers leaving their trenches to attack the enemy.
What does the communication lines do?
Bring the supplies, medic, etc to the front line
What is a "flamethrower"?
A weapon that projects a stream of burning liquid.
What is "stand-to"?
The daily routine of soldiers standing ready for attack at dawn and dusk.
Final Jeopardy
Who won the Trench Warfare Battle
What are "saps"?
Tunnels dug towards the enemy trenches.
What is the last trench called?
Reserve Trench