In 2010, this song made Justin Bieber popular.
In 2013, people recorded videos of themselves doing nothing while a song was playing in the background, and when the drop of the song played, more people appeared doing weird things with costumes and dancing to the song.
Harlem Shake
This meme was popular in 2008, and it was used to troll people.
In 2015, people started to play with paper and pencils to use it as an Oujia board. This game was called...
Charlie Charlie Challenge
What pokemon resembles a rat with electricity powers?
In this song, Michael Jackson wears a white suit while dancing in a bar.
Smooth Criminal
This dance was popular in 2012, and it features a goofy and fun hopping dance that seems to embody both a horse and a rider at once.
Gangnam Style
This meme became popular this year (2023) and is about a cat and a dubstep song.
The smurfcat /pitufigato
In 2016, people started to throw bottles in and attempt to land them upright on their bases or caps.
Bottle flip challenge
What is the capital city of the United States?
Washington D. C.
This song by Mariah Carey is played every time we approach the Christmas season.
All I want for Christmas is you.
Michael Jackson made a weird dance in which he was walking backward.
The moon walking
This letter of the alphabet was used to pray for respect in 2014.
In 2016 people started to stay still and not moving at all when a moving camera filmed them.
Mannequin Challenge
Which British actor played Batman in 2022's reboot directed by Matt Reeves?
Robert Pattinson
Daddy Yankee made a song about a man having a heart attack.
Llamado de emergencia.
This dance was popular because a kid made it for a Fortnite contest.
Orange Justice
In 2019, this trend about raiding a specific place was popular. The place in particular is in the middle of the desert, and it has high security levels.
The raid to the Area 51.
In 2014, people started to dump buckets of ice-cold water over their heads, after which they posted videos of their participation and nominated their friends to take the challenge.
Ice Bucket Challenge.
Which bird can imitate human speech?
This song is about a man who is traveling in a train, and he describes his emotions about traveling and also remembers things about his past.
Tren al sur.
This dance was popular in the 2000s because the song tells how to dance and what to do.
Cha Cha Slide.
In 2015, the actor Shia Lebeouf recorded an inspirational video in front of a green screen to inspire and motivate people, but it ended up becoming a meme.
Just do it!
This challenge was popular in 2018, and it consisted of getting out of a moving car and recording yourself dancing.
Kiki Challenge
Which planet is known as the “Ringed Planet”?