Historical Perspectives
Research & Education
Health Care Delivery, Systems, and Financing
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The purpose of this was to provide (1) a national insurance system for older adults; (2) monies to states for maternal and child welfare services; (3) vocational rehabilitation services for the physically and mentally challenged; (4) medical care for crippled children and blind people; (5) a plan to boost public health services; and (6) a federal/state unemployment system.
What is Social Security Act?
This type of nursing program was developed in the 1950's to shift nursing education from the vocational and apprenticeship orientation and was meant to be a terminal degree. Out of all types of nursing programs, this type has had the greatest increase.
What is the associate degree program?
This type of payment method has contributed to increased costs.
What is "fee-for-service"?
This theory was developed by Martha Rogers.
What is the Science of Unitary Human Beings?

The person is an energy field that continuously interacts and exchanges matter and energy with the environment. This exchange increases the complexity of the person.
This type of power is derived from an organizational position rather than personal qualities (authority).
What is legitimate power?
Purpose was to provide funding to construct hospitals.
What is the Hill-Burton Act?
Type of research that lacks one of the components of an experimental design.
What is quasi-experimental research?

This will lack either randomization, a control group, or manipulation of variables (experimental research includes all three components).
Arrangement by which the member pays a premium for a fixed percentage of expense coverage. This method includes a required deductible and a copayment. It require that the member pay a premium with a fixed copay and select a primary care physician approved by the plan.
What is a health maintenance organization (HMO)?
This is awarded by the state as a verification of competence.
What is the RN license?

NCLEX - successful completion demonstrates competence to provide effective nursing care (initial proficiency at entry level). It is created and administered by the NCSBN (National Council of State Boards of Nursing). The RN license is awarded by the state to signify competence.
This type of person is committed to organizational goals and clearly communicates vision and direction. They empower the work group to accomplish goals; are admired and emulated; and impart meaning and challenge to work.
What is a transformational leader?
Known as the "father of medicine", he was the first to attribute disease to natural causes rather than the supernatural.
Who is Hippocrates?
This is used to describe research that uses data from a previous study.
What is a secondary analysis?
Used in reimbursement for health care services based on a predetermined fixed price per case within a category.
What is DRG (diagnosis-related group)?
This type of theory most often guides nursing practice
What is a middle-range theory?
Stage of change where the change agent integrates the change within the organization.
What is the refreezing stage?

Unfreezing stage: change agent promotes problem identification and encourages awareness of the need for change
Moving stage: change agent clarifies the need to change, explores alternatives, defines goals and objectives, plans the change, and implements the change plan
This landmark report recommends: removing scope-of-practice barriers; implementing nurse residency programs; increasing the number of nurses with a BSN; doubling the number of nurses with a doctorate; expanding opportunities for nurses to lead; and encourages lifelong learning of nurses.
What is the IOM's Future of Nursing (2010)?
This model of education does not require attendance and provides no course classes; it enrolls thousands and is accessible regardless of location.
What is external degree ("class without walls"/distance education)?
Method of reimbursing providers based on the quality of care provided with an emphasis on disease prevention and reduction of complications.
What is pay-for-performance?
An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that aims to improve the outcomes and quality of health care, reduce its costs, address patient safety and medical errors, and broaden access to effective services
What is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)?
This type of leadership is exercised by the person who has no official authority but is able to influence others in the work group.
What is informal leadership?
Provided federal aid for maternal and child health care.
What is the Sheppard-Towner Act?
Research method that is used for the purpose of investigating cultures; it involved data collection, description, and analysis of data to develop a theory of cultural behavior.
What is ethnography?
Method of reimbursement whereby one payer, usually the government, pays all health care expenses for all citizens with the use of funding acquired through taxes.
What is a single-payer system?
Type of management style that provides little direction or guidance and will forgo decision making.
What is Laissez-faire?
This person is the coordinator of resources (time, people, and supplies) needed to achieve outcomes.
What is a manager?

Leadership and management are sometimes used interchangeably...but each of these roles have specific traits unique to themselves. (Leaders have the ability to guide or influence, inspire, and motivate others on the team).