How many colleges does Trent have?
What is U of Winnipeg's Mascot?
Wesley Coyote
What are the 4 categories that KG teams compete in?
Dance, Spirit, Academic and Athletics.
What is the largest bone in the body?
How many grammy's has Cher won?
What is the name of Trent's second campus (not Peterborough)?
Durham Campus
Winnipeg has the world’s longest natural _______ _____?
Outdoor rink
What school hosted the 2020 KG?
Through what system are fats transported in the body?
Lymphatic system
What does M&M stand for?
Mars and Murrie
What year was Trent founded in?
Prior to being named U of Winnipeg in 1871 it was founded as ...?
Manitoba College
How many groups are participating in 2021 KG?
What is the strongest muscle in your body?
What is the world's smallest bat called?
Bumblebee bat (or Kitti's hog-nosed bat)
How many varsity teams are at Trent?
BONUS: How many varsity clubs?
12, 3
How many holdings are in the U Winnipeg library?
HINT: Its a nice number and in the hundred of thousands.
over 750 000
How many times has the shoe been stolen?
What is the only body part that is not a bone but considered a part of the skeletal system?
What is a group of Zebras called?
BONUS: There are two names for a group of Zebras, name both.
A Dazzle, A Zeal
How many countries are listed on Trent's Exchange Destination Site for Exchange Programs?
What is the University Motto?
Let Light and Truth Flourish
What was the shoe on the trophy originally?
A red and white converse.
What anatomical bone are babies born without?
How do sharks sleep?
They don't.