The playground Tury would drive the girls to.
Never drink the ______ at Otomom’s house.
What is milk?
When confronted by Gogo, Aly charged after him with a _____.
What is broom?
What is the WIFI password?
What is Trevizo007?
What does Israel always do with his phone at Otomom’s?
What is shares videos?
A room where the girls would play in.
What is The Party Room/ El Cuatro?
It’s not Goodwill it's ________.
When they were kids, what did Nadia do to Cindy in order to force her to focus on her homework?
What is tie her to a chair?
What is hung up and framed in what is now Edgar’s room?
What can’t Otomom go without?
Shoes with heel
The best Mexican restaurant.
What is Moe's?
What phrase is consistently said in response to a person declining a meal?
What is "come caca pues"?
In 2010, after a bickering match, Heny lashed out and _____ Aya’s _____.
What is bit?
What is nose?
Otomom has a painting hung over the dining room table, what three items are featured in the picture?
What is a teapot, lemons, and flowers?
What is Gogo's bad habit?
What is mumbling?
A place that was "okay" by Heny's standards.
It's not chips its ______.
What is pasheeps?
What object did Ish dance with in Ruidoso?
What is Ruidoso?
What is something you should never sit in at Otomom's house?
What is Nadia's chair?
What was Heny not allowed to do for the first 12 years of her life?
What is cut her hair?
A place Gogo threatens to move to.
What is Casas Grandes?
The action of stretching a piece of cheese.
What is mira Angela?
How did Aya’s dress catch on fire?
What is a firework?
For years Otomom had a set of fake ______ as a centerpiece in the dining room.
What is grapes?
What does Tury love more than his kids?
What is The Cowboys/what is football?