What is the capital of California
What did Sal see on the photograph
Sgt Bickles son Mike AKA The Lunatic
What color is Sals hair
Who makes a video of the what's up wendday
Mr Dowd
What is a Wendsday
A short day
Whats the capital of Nevada
Carson City
Why did Sal and Phoebe go to the police station
For a kidnapping or murdering
What color of Phoebes hair
True or False: Play fighting allowed
When was the Cougar campfire
November 20
Whats the capital of Arizona
True or False Sal kissed Ben
What is Sal scared of
elevators, strict teachers, car accidents, loud noises
How many Aleks did the tremister
Why was the Cougar campfire canceled
Because of the rain
Whats the capital of Washington
Why do Sal and Phoebe look for the lunatic in walk two moons
They were on a quest to solve the mystery of Phoebe's missing mother
What is Sal not scared of
spiders, snakes, and wasps
How many Aleks does 6th grade do in second trimester after break
When was the Winter wonderland dance
December 6th
Whats the capital of New York
What chapter did Sal and Phoebe broke into Mrs Cadavers house. You need the name and the chapter number
Breaking in Chapter 30
Is cyber bullying allowed
30 x 30
What is the first thing you do is this class
Do Now