What was the name of the original Hell hound?
What is Fluffy
What are the two storylines in BO4?
What is Chaos and Aether storylines
Which wonder weapon had only two variations upon release and a third released later on.
What is The Blundergat
What is the name of two of the most expensive perks
What is Widows Wine, Mule Kick, Ethereal Razor, Dying Wish, Winter’s Wail, Zombshell, and PHD Slide
What are the symbols needed for the Der Eisendrache Easter Egg.
What is Circle, Rocket, Door, Lightning/Triangle
What was the cast of the map Five?
What is John F. Kennedy, Robert McNamara, Fidel Castro, and Richard Nixon
What is the name of the Upgraded KT-4
What is the Masamune
Which two perks do the same thing despite the different name's?
What is Electric Cherry and Electric Burst Or Dead Shot Daiquiri And Deadshot Dealer
What was the first object successfully teleported by Edward Richtofen?
What is a Walnut
Name of the alternate fire of the Elemental Staffs
What is Sekhmet's Vigor
Which enemies can steal your perks?
What is the astronaut and the monkeys
Which perk jingle has the lyrics "To err is human, to forgive is divine. Well I'm not forgiving and the error ain't mine!"
What is Deadshot Daiquiri