What are the first two steps of on-demand writing?
Attack the prompt
Brainstorm possible ideas/answers
You arrive 3 minutes after the bell rings. Are you on time, tardy, or absent?
What is the first sentence of a paragraph called?
Topic Sentence
What is Ms. Madsen's favorite animal?
In a basketball game, how many players from each team are on the court at the same time?
What are steps 3 and 4 of on-demand writing?
Create and outline
Develop and revise your writing
You have a pass to go to the bathroom. What device you need to take with you?
What are the middle sentences of a paragraph called?
Supporting sentences
True or False: Ms. Madsen lives on a farm.
In which city would you find the Eiffel Tower?
What do you do when you Develop a response?
You write your answer in paragraph form.
Your friend is struggling so you let them copy your work. Ms. Madsen finds out. Who was being academically dishonest? You, your friend, or both?
What is the last sentence of a paragraph called?
concluding sentence
How many years has Ms. Madsen worked at Apollo?
This is her 3rd year.
How many months have 28 days?
All of them!
What are two types of brainstorming we learned?
Name two: List, freewrite, and main map/cluster
What are two alternatives to copying/plagiarizing?
(Any two answers)
1. Ask your teacher for more time or help
2. Ask a classmate to explain the assignment
3. Talk with a classmate about the assignment and then write using your own words
What are the two parts of a topic sentence?
topic and controlling idea
Other than the US, in what country has Ms. Madsen taught?
(Any of the following answers)
How many months have 28 days?
All of them!
What is another word for on-demand writing?
timed writing
You turned an assignment in on Friday. By which date will it be graded in Skyward?
What are two types of conclusions?
Opinion, suggestion, prediction, restatement
In what month is Ms. Madsen's birthday. Bonus points if you can name the date!
November 7, 1980
What is the name of Apollo's mascot?
Iggy the Eagle