A way of communicating that can increase understanding between a speaker and a listener
What is active listening?
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
What is anxiety?
A basic human emotion that we all feel sometimes that includes a strong sense of unhappiness and/or aggressiveness.
What is anger?
Meaning behind the letters RAOK
What is Random Acts of Kindness?
The term for having a positive outlook on the future
What is optimism?
A benefit to active listening
What are improved relationships, improved communication, understanding (any of these are appropriate answers)?
Mental illness is common in today's population and does affect this group.
What is children?
Too much of this stress hormone can negatively affect the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus parts of your brain.
What is cortisol?
What is our planet?
A word related to growing and improving something over time (can be used by farmers/gardeners as well as someone working on their gratitude practice)
What is cultivate?
Restating the speaker's message in your own words to show you understand
What is "paraphrasing"?
Two things that can affect your self-image
What is social media, friends, and family? (List two to earn the points.)
This is the approximate age when our prefrontal cortex is fully developed.
What is our mid-20's?
Brushing your teeth and taking a shower daily are examples of kindness to
What is self/yourself?
What is self-aware?
You should avoid the distraction of thinking about this when you are practicing active listening
What is what you should say next?
Rates of anxiety and depression are usually ___________ in people who use social media a lot.
Two Things you can do to naturally reduce cortisol levels
What is moderate exercise, good sleep, healthy diet with low sugar, reduced caffeine, and plenty of water, stress management, and practicing relaxation skills including breathing strategies? (list at least two of these to earn the points)
Showing ______________ is good for your mental health because it can increase feelings of joy and happiness and decrease feelings of sadness.
What is gratitude?
The practice of being thankful for what and who you have in your life
What is gratitude?
____________ language is part of active listening. Not crossing your arms, making eye contact, and avoiding fidgeting are all examples of this type of language.
What is body?
Mental illness changes how a person
What is thinks/feels/acts?
These glands release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
What are adrenal glands?
A term to describe a topic that people think it isn't okay to talk about; taboo
What is stigma?
One benefit of practicing gratitude
What is a decrease in stress and anxiety, a mood booster, reduce depression symptoms, etc.?