Multiplying Decimals
Adding/Subtracting Decimals
876 x 65
What is 56, 940
What is 101 R59
45.17 x 8
What is 361.36
Mr. Jackson's garden was a rectangular shape with sides that measured 8.5 feet and 3.9 feet. How much area did Mr. Jackson have for his plants?
What is 33.15 square feet
67.4 - 35.679
What is 31.721
Kayla sells pictures for $13 each. If she sells 234 pictures, how much money will she make?
What is $3,042.
There were 476 people who lost their homes in the hurricane. If 4 people find a place to stay each day, how many weeks will go by before all the people find homes.
What is 17 weeks
2.9 x 3.45
What is 10.005
Gina bought 2.5 pounds of peaches that cost $1.38 per pound at teh grocery store. Amy went to the local farmer's market and purchased 3.5 lbs. of peaches at $0.98 per pound. Who spent more money, and how much more?
What is Gina, $0.02
$87 - $14.46
What is $72.54
There are 672 candy jars in the candy store. If each candy jar can hold 47 pieces of candy, what is the total number of candy in the store?
What is 31, 584 pieces of candy.
Hand towels are sold in boxes that contain 4 packages of 50 wipes each. If Uplift Meridian needs at least 800 hand towels, how many boxes should we buy?
What is 4 boxes
Rock climbing used to cost $5.70 per person at Reimer's Ranch. The owners at the ranch decided to increase the price so that it was 1.3 times the old price. How much will it cost for Mrs. Elverum and her husband to go climbing now.
What is $14.82
James has 1,836 marbles. He decides to divide them equally among 23 boxes. How many marbles will James have left over?
What is 19
Abigail and Marcos ran a foot race. Abigail finished the race in 17.43 seconds. Marcos finished 5 tenths of a second faster than Abigail. How long did it take Marcos to finish the race?
What is 16.93
Charlie worked 45 hours this week. He earned $12 per hour. If he spent $134 for a new bicycle, how much money does he have left?
What is $406.00
The school store has 1,262 bouncy balls. The bouncy balls are packaged in sets. Any single bouncy ball is sold for $1. If all the bouncy balls sell, which of the following will give the store the best profit?
What is a. Sets of 25 for $13 b. sets of 16 for $9 c. sets of 12 for $7 d. sets of 10 for $6
Marco spent $17.18 on tomatoes. Then he spent three times as much on peppers. How much did he spend on tomatoes and peppers?
What is $68.72
Darius counted that he walks 864 steps from his house to the bookstore. If Darius takes 52 steps each minute, about how long will it take him to reach the bookstore?
What is 17 minutes
Bristol can throw a ball 23.08 feet. Bo can throw a ball 33.5 feet. How much farther can Bo throw than Bristol?
What is 10.42 feet.
The parents club buys 12 cartons of pretzels to sell as refreshments at a soccer game. There are 75 bags of pretzels in one carton. How many bags of pretzels do the the parents have?
What is 900 bags
Springfield has an aquarium that holds 336 gallons of water. It takes 24 hours to fill the aquarium. How many gallons of water fill the aquarium each hour?
What is 14 gallons
Ryan buys three cans of tennis balls for $2.67 each. Ryan then sells each can for $3.23. How much more money does Ryan make than he spends.
What is $1.68
A city has 7,204 recycle bins. The city gives half of the recycle bins to its citizens. The rest of the recycle bins are divided into 23 equal groups for city parks. How many recycle bins go to each city park, and how many are left over?
What is 156 in each park with 14 bins left over.
Mrs. Elverum want to buy some new stuff for the dojo store. She finds 4 things she wants to buy. A fidget spinner for $7.67, cool pens for $22.87, a bag of candy for $21.75, and some goo for $9.65. She only has 2 $20 bills. Which combination of items can she buy?
What is the fidget spinner, bag of candy, and the goo.