solids, liquids, and gases that can't be broken down any further are categorized as the
What are the 4Ps of Marketing
Product, Place, Price, and Promotion
Don't show this read it! Spell the word embarrassed
What do you call a baby goat
A kid
What does the abbreviation AC mean?
Armor class
We see the sky as blue, but in actuality, it's really?
a blueish Purple due to the cone cells in our eyes not seeing violet wavelengths in the sky. We perceive it as blue
What is the term for a structure that supports a roof or other horizontal elements.
a beam
According to the AP style guide, you are supposed to spell out which numbers before switching to numerals.
Numbers one through nine
What cute mammal moves slowly, but has sharp black fangs
A sloth
What is Do's race
A naga
What does an antibiotic do?
Treats bacterial infections, They are not effective against viral infections
What is a chicken's favorite type of literature
Poultry (poetry)
What is the term for a comma used after the second to last item in a list of at least three items, and before an "and" or an "or"
The Oxford Comma
How do Cats sweat?
Through their paws or chin
What is the name of the material plane realm
Which of these science myths is true only one
A. Your hair and fingernails keep growing after you die.
B All Bananas sold are clones.
C. A watermelon seed can grow in your stomach
D. Bulls hate the color red
B. All banans sold are clones
Edible bananas are the result of a genetic accident in nature. Wild bananas exist but are filled with hard seeds that make them inedible
What is Diffusion in APHUG terms
The spread of cultural traits or ideas
This branch of study (ends with logy) concerns the psychology of Speech Sounds.
What is the difference between alligators and crocodiles?
Their snout shape, alligators have a wide U-shaped snout, while crocodiles have a skinny V-shaped snout.
What's the difference between class and sub-class?
A subclass is an alternative version of an existing original class. Different sub-categories within the original class
What is the line that divides the Earth into the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere?
Prime Meridian
What's the difference between Empathy and Sympathy
Empathy is understanding someon'es feelings as if they were yours
while sympathy is feeling sorry for them
One of the longest words in English Pneumonoultramicrospopicilicovolcanoconiosis has how many letters?
Dolphins have been observed playing with a pufferfish in order to do what?
To get high
What formination is the of the crystals on the ocean floor? I will also accept what they represent or why you think they are there
A diamond