How many candies can you collect?
125 candies you collected
Who flies a broomstick?
A witch
Why does the witch want the glass shoes?
Because it’s powerful
If you eat too much candy
Will you get sick?
What is your favorite Halloween movie it’s vampires and werewolves and there’s a mansion and lived in Rumania Wolfsburg manner
The boy who cried werewolf nickelodeon
How many candies can you eat?
Not alot you get sick
When is Halloween?
October 31st
Why did the witch kidnapped dorthy in her castle?
Because she can do anything she wants from her is the glass shoes.
What happens you eat too much candies?
You get sick and a stomach ache.
Twin Ashley Mary Kate and the wet and the magic crystal
Double double and Toil Trouble
Why do kids collect too much candies?
Because kids loves candies
Why do we celebrate Halloween?
Why did Paulina is scaring 2 kids in the cemetery?
Because she can kill the 2 werewolf’s
How many you should eat candies?
1 or 2 pieces of candy per night
Monsters secret passages fighting the mystery Inc.
Monsters unleashed Scooby Doo 2
Why do kids collect too many of candies?
Because they can eat the candies
Why is Halloween is scary?
Because that’s the fun of it and get scary in the dark
Why did Paulina grow into a vampire at the middle of the road?
Because she kidnapped hunter and Jordan sands family.
Should you eat candy in the morning or at night?
At night
To see the magic is. The witches castle flying monkeys and singing
The wizard of Oz
How many candies you have to eat?
1 per candy because you don’t get a stomach ache
What is another word for Halloween?
Halloween eve’s
Why did Paulina trick David sands to be a vampire?
Because she thinks that Wolfsburg will be hers and killed uncle dragon-mire .
If you eat too much candy if you get sick
What would happen if you eat too much candy every single day at your program?
You can’t get sick and you’ll get Covid and you will throw up.
To find Fiona in the dark at the middle of the night until midnight 2 different dragons
The ghost of lord farquad