Another word for Obsessional Reasoning
Inferential Confusion
Other people have been poisoned by misidentifying berries, so I could be too.
Mismatching (irrelevant associations- no attempts to use sense data)
but it’s possible that she might not be paying close enough attention to where she walks, or maybe they over-sprayed the lawn onto the sidewalk.
Over reliance of possibility
When an imagined possibility simulates reality, is the definition of.....
Living the Fear (over reliance on possibility)
Distrusting sense info that is present and turning to hypothetical conclusions about reality.
Dismissal of Actual Evidence
listen to OCD and go back to see that the dog crate is latched. I walk away and think "maybe when I checked it I accidentally bumped it an now its not securely closed." I go back and check again.
Double Jeopardy (dismissal of actual evidence)
Carol wonders if she might be sick. As soon as she has that doubt, she then starts to feel nauseated and has a scratchy throat. Her head might be hurting too now
Living the fear (over reliance on possibility)
Taking Facts and Rules Reasoning Categories from Module 2 and using them as evidence for your current doubt - is the definition of...
Out of Context Facts
Misapplying arbitrary info to a current situation without sense data to support that conclusion about reality.
Irrelevant Associations
Mark worries he might be gay and just in denial. He finds photos of attractive men to test himself for a physical reaction. OCD then says "you must be gay for choosing to look at these photos."
Testing it out (over reliance on possibility)
You hear about people getting the wrong test results all the time. How do I know mine results aren't actually someone else's?
Mismatching (irrelevant associations)
Taking personal experience and hearsay reasoning categories from module 2 as evidence for your current doubt - is the definition of ....
Over-relying on hypotheticals without incorporating sense info when coming to conclusions about reality.
Over-reliance on Possibility
I love my husband, but maybe I really am attracted to women and so I need to think about this more because it must mean something. How can I resolve this.
Let's discuss it (dismissal of actual evidence)
Wayne knows that he doesn’t want to really harm anyone, but he wonders if it is possible that he could secretly want to. If he just checks in with himself more and more and tries to uncover the secrets he is keeping from himself, he is sure he will discover something.
Going Deep (Dismissal of actual evidence)
All the info you need is in front of you, but you dismiss it and instead believe that if you looked harder at the situation, you could find evidence to the contrary - is the definition of.....
Going Deep (Dismissal of Actual Evidence)
An inference created based on sense data being used in the context to the Here & Now. The possibility is based on direct evidence from the senses, which supports the possibility as relevant to the current context, is the definition of what?
Normal Reasoning
when one of your values gets mixed up with OCD, making it feel like your compulsion is justified and even admirable.
The room looks clean, but if I had a black light, I would see it is not.
Going deep (dismissal of actual evidence)
You have everything you need already, but OCD wants you to stay in a loop and keep thinking about the doubt and finding ways it might be true, is the definition of.....
Let's Discuss It (Dismissal of Actual Evidence)