What does it mean?
Guess The Answer
Using your head
Trickey Trivia
What is an axyrmoron?, Explain why the following are axyrmorons: Jumbo Shrimp Quiet Scream Pretty Ugly
It is the expression that combines two words that seem to condtradict each other. , so explain why the following are axyrmorons: Jumbo Shrimp Quiet Scream Pretty Ugly
Try solving this numerical riddle. Keep trying untill you get it right! Hint: Use your language and numerical skills. 2=3 3=5 5=4 6=3 8=5 9=4 11=? 12=?
The pattern is formed by spelling the number and counting the letters of the word.
Think of a word thategins and ends with the word, "he." hint: You might get one of these while you are trying to figure this out.
You're a bus driver. At the first stop, ten people get on the bus. At the second stop, two people get on and six get off. At the third stop, everyone gets off. Your question is: What color are (were) the bus drivers eyes?
Your eye color.
True or False? Is a HammerHead Shark real, fictional creatures, or make believe or nonfiction?
Real and Nonfictional.
Use sorrel in a sentence and then say what all the words in your sentence mean.
A reddish or brown color.
Out of twenty students, more than three quarters, but less than nine- tenths, are going to a birthday party on the weekend. Hint: An odd number of them are going to the party. Question: How many of them are going to it?
The answer is __17______. _____17_____ students (kids, children.) are going to the birthday party.
Answer this. - Four people met each other for the first time. EVeryone shook everyone's hand, but only once each. How many handshakes were there in that day with those people?
Using the key, decode the sentence below. Key: A=2 B=4 C=6 D=8 The Sentence Is - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 24 46 2 50 38 38 16 30 46 36 10 38 32 10 6 40
Always SHow Respect.
True or false? Are Tarantulas the biggest of all the spider all around the world?
Yes. It's true!
Say a sentence with the word staid in it and the say two or more other word that mean the same things as staid or two more sentences with the word straid but in each of them do the words staider and staidness and for more points tell one more sentence with the word staid but make staid an adverb instead of an adjective or a noun.
Spraid means sedate, proper, serious too. The adverb is, " Staidly ".
These following words all have something in common. Guess what it is and then think of two more. __DANCE_____________ WORD BOX: __ RACE____________ ____JUMP___________
They can all be nouns, verbs and they all can also be adjectives too!
A younge japanesse man won a hot dog contest by finifhing nearly 54 hot dogs in twelve (12) minutes!!! How many hot dogs did he eat per minute?
4.5 hot dogs in 60 (sixtey) seconds.
All the planets in our solar system move in a counter clockwise motion- ecxept for 1. WHich one is it and if you lived on it which way would the sun rise?
Venus. The sun would rise from the west and set on east.
What are two parts of a chicken on his head. That include his head, but not including the chickens eyes, mouth or nose.
Comb on his head. And the wattle on his/her cheeks.
What are the Woodwin instraments? Tell 4 or more of them. Extra credit: tell more than 2 of the parts of one of them too! It you want to get extra points and tell the parts of them, you'd have to tell the parts of the clarinet or else you don't get the points. If asked why, "tell that it is the most common instrament. But may get points on any other one if they tell more than 5 parts of any other one they want to do: including the clarinet. ONLY IN WOODWIN FAMILY.
basson, picclo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet. Clarinet parts: barrel, ligature, upper joint, key, lower joint, mouth piece containing reed, and lastly, the, bell. If they tell the parts it has to be the clarinet and no other woodwin tools.
Do you know how to say, "peace " In another languages? Look at the different languages and draw a line to the word that means peace in that language. German heiwa Spanish la paz Japanese shanti Hindi frieden
All of them.
Unscramble these words in this sentence and learn how to be a good listener: Dogo tenresilis sue heirt yese, resa, dan rehast.
Good listeners use their eyes, ears, and hearts.
In 2005, the city of Las Vegas celebrated its 100th birthday with a huge birthday cake! The cake weighed 130,000 pounds. If 75,000 guests attended the party, how many pounds of cake would each person get to eat?
Seven (7) pounds of cake!
Name the length of most peakock.
3-4 inches.
Tell ten flags of the world and the language they speak for each one of them.
Languages and Flags. No Answer Here.
Is this statement true or false? If you lived on the North Pole of Uranus, would it take 40 and more or 40 and less hours for night to become day and why?
Yes it would take more than 40 hours for night to be day because it is (uranus) tipped over on it's axis.
Make 3 or more words out of the word, leadership.
Lead, Leader, Ship,
To calculate your distance from a thunder storm, count the seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder. For every five seconds, the storm is one mile (or 1.5 km.) Away. If you count for twenty seconds, how far away is the storm from you?
It is 4 miles or 6 kilometers.
What are MARSUPIALS? Tell us what they are, and what animals are they.
MARSUPIALS are best known for carrying theire newborn babies in the pouches untill the babies are big enought to look up after themselves on there own. Pouches are like pockets. An excample of one M is a kangaroo. I odn't know there are any other M's around the globe though.