Common Triggers
Identifying Triggers
Coping with Triggers
Building Resilience
Relapse Prevention

This trigger refers to experiencing negative emotions such as stress, sadness, or anger.

What is emotional triggers?


This process involves self-reflection and awareness to recognize personal triggers in recovery.

What is trigger identification?


This coping strategy involves removing oneself from the triggering situation or environment to avoid relapse.

What is removing oneself or removing triggers?


This term refers to the ability to bounce back and recover quickly from triggering situations or setbacks in recovery.

What is resilience?


This term describes the ability to recognize early warning signs of relapse and take immediate action to prevent it.

What is relapse prevention?


This trigger involves being in social settings where substance use is prevalent or being around individuals who use substances.

What is social triggers?


This technique involves keeping a journal or log to track and identify patterns of triggers and associated emotions.

What is trigger tracking or journaling?


This technique emphasizes using relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to manage stress and cravings triggered by external factors.

What is relaxation or stress management techniques?


This practice involves developing and utilizing healthy coping mechanisms and skills to navigate triggers and challenges in recovery.

What is building coping skills or healthy mechanisms?


This technique involves creating a personalized relapse prevention plan that outlines strategies and actions to take in high-risk situations.

What is developing a relapse prevention plan?


This trigger is associated with encountering specific places, such as bars, clubs, or former using locations.

What is environmental triggers?


This method involves discussing triggers and potential relapse risks with a therapist, counselor, or support group.

What is trigger exploration or therapy discussions?


This approach involves engaging in alternative activities or hobbies to distract oneself from cravings and redirect focus.

What is engaging in healthy distractions or alternative activities?


This strategy emphasizes self-care activities, such as exercise, sleep, and nutrition, to build physical and emotional resilience.

What is practicing self-care or self-nurturing?


This approach emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and regularly checking in with oneself to evaluate potential triggers and relapse risks.

What is self-reflection or self-check-ins?


This trigger is related to encountering certain people, such as former using friends or acquaintances.

What is people triggers?


This approach involves seeking feedback and insights from supportive individuals who can help identify triggers that may be less obvious.

What is seeking input from others or support network?


This coping skill focuses on using positive affirmations, self-talk, or reframing thoughts to challenge and change negative beliefs or triggers.

What is cognitive restructuring or positive self-talk?


This approach focuses on developing a strong support network of individuals who provide understanding, encouragement, and accountability in recovery.

What is building a support system or support network?


This coping strategy involves utilizing healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, mindfulness, or seeking support, as alternatives to substance use when facing triggers.

What is utilizing healthy coping mechanisms or alternatives?


This trigger refers to encountering specific events or situations that were previously associated with substance use, such as holidays, parties, or anniversaries.

What is situational triggers?


This strategy involves monitoring physical sensations, thoughts, and urges to identify triggers and potential relapse warning signs.

What is practicing mindfulness or self-monitoring?


This technique involves reaching out for support from a sponsor, therapist, or support group when facing triggers or cravings.

What is seeking support or reaching out for help?


This concept refers to the process of learning from past triggers and relapse experiences to grow stronger and more resilient in recovery.

What is learning from setbacks or relapse prevention?


This technique focuses on developing and practicing effective communication skills to express needs, set boundaries, and seek support in recovery.

What is building communication skills or assertiveness training?
