Thought Signals
Physical Body Signals
Feelings Signals
Situation Signals
Triggers and Sparks

What zone would I probably have this thought in?

"I haven't seen my best friend in almost a week. I miss her so much."

What is the Blue Zone?


Medium energy, Steady breath and heart beat, Relaxed muscles

What is the Green Zone?



What is Blue Zone?


I get angry every time I go to lunch. My friend Sam always wants to trade food. I never want his food but sometimes I trade him because I feel bad that he doesn't have the stuff I have.

Identify the Who in this situation.

What is My friend SAM?

BONUS(x2): What is a plan you could make to avoid this trigger in the future? 


Unwelcome situations that make you feel less regulated.

What is a trigger?


What zone would I probably have this thought in?

"If this kid takes one more step towards me I'm going to hit him."

What is the Red Zone?


Low Energy, Moving Slowly, Foggy Thinking, Heavy Muscles

What is the Blue Zone?



What is Green Zone?


Another kid at school pushed me down the slide. I hurt my knee and they didn't even apologize. 

Name the Where in this situation. 

What is the Playground/Slide?


Welcome situations that cause you to feel less regulated.

What is a Spark?

What zone would I probably have this thought in?

"I studied all night and I'm ready to ace this test!"

What is the Green Zone?


Highest energy, Hot/Sweating, Pounding heart, Racing thoughts, Powerful muscles

What is the Red Zone?



What is Red Zone?

Everyday at the end of the school day I start to feel worried because I know I have to go to tutoring after school. This makes my thoughts race so I get in trouble for not paying attention to the teacher. 

Name the When in this situation.

What is the end of the school day?


Trigger or Spark? Your friend is going to play a game with a group of people and doesn't invite you to play with them. 

What is a Trigger?


What zone would I probably have this thought in?

"My teacher said she's going to call my mom, I'm so worried what she's going to say."

What is the Yellow Zone?


High energy, Wiggly body, Fast thinking, Tense muscles

What is the Yellow Zone?



What is Yellow Zone?


My art class is very loud. Everybody talks at the same time and the teacher yells. It makes me feel very anxious. Sometimes I pretend that I'm sick so I can go to the nurse, and don't have to go to that class.

Name the "What" in this situation.

What is The loud noises?


Trigger or Spark? You come home from school and your Mom tells you that you are going to Disney World.

What is a Spark?


What zone would I probably have this thought in?

"I'm terrible at basketball so I'm not even going to play."

What is the Blue Zone?


I have a knot in my stomach, my shoulders feel very heavy, and I feel like I need a nap. What Zone am I probably in?

What is the Blue Zone?


How can you tell the difference between the Red and Yellow Zone?

What is Control of your Body and Mind?

When you are in the Red Zone, you are feeling emotions so strongly that it feels like you are not in control of your thoughts and behaviors.


The four things (4 W's) you need to pay attention to in your situation to stay aware of your triggers and sparks?

1. Where is it happening?

2. What is happening around you?

3. When is it taking place?

4. Who is around you?


My best friend has been on vacation for almost a week. When I got to school today I saw her sitting at her desk and I ran over to her so fast! We had so much to catch up on that we both got lunch detention for talking too much during class.

Did I experience a trigger or a spark, and what caused it? 

Spark: Seeing my friend
