the three pieces of that make up ohms law
what is current, voltage, and resistance
plate boundaries that cause volcanos
what is a divergent plate boundaries
what is it when water turns into gas/vapor
what is evaporation
The innermost layer
what is the inner core
what a star starts as
what is the nebula
a circuit that only one path
what is a series circuit
plate boundary causes subduction
what is convergent plate boundaries
what is water that comes from clouds
what is precipitation
the liquid layer of the earth
what is the outer core
a galaxy shaped like a pinwheel, with a rotating disk of stars and a bulge in the middle
what is a spiral galaxy
a circuit that can have multiple paths/lights
parallel circuit
plate boundary causes earthquakes
what is transform plate boundary
groundwater is stored in..
a aquifer
the upper layer of the earth's mantle
what is the asthenosphere
a galaxy shaped as a football/oval
what is a elliptical galaxy
a positive flow that moves through a circuit
current flow
what was the supercontinent called
3% of our water is
what is fresh water
layer of the earth where humans live
what is the crust
are sun is in this star stage
what is the main sequence
the movement of electrons
what is electron flow
what is the deepest part of the ocean
what is a trench
how plants transport water
what is transpiration
the earth's outermost rigid layer of rocks and minerals
what is the lithosphere
the galaxies that don't really have a defined shape
what is a irregular galaxy