Likes to say "Wetting After Wetting"
Ian Alleyne
Corbeaux don't eat this.
Sponge Cake
Wonder of the World in La Brea
De Vital Supplies
Gopaul luck aint what...
This Black Man came out to party.
Black Stalin
Cockroach have no right in this...
Fowl Party
Mud Volcano near Princes Town
Devil's Woodyard
Fried mixture of flour and chickpeas powder
Dog don't make...
He sang "Bolo".
Rikki Jai
When you talk too much is like "You eat this..."
Parrot Bottom
Place in Port of Spain named after a famous cricketer
Brian Lara Promenade
Fruit with a spiky centre
We taking one for de...
She is known as the "Queen of Parang".
Daisy Voisin
Play Dead to Catch What...
Corbeaux Alive
First Parliament Building
The Red House
Local name for Avocado
Monkey know what...
Tree to climb
This Calypsonian had a unique skip-rope type of dance.
Mighty Shadow
Don't count egg in this...
Fowl Bottom
Place of worship built by Siewdass Sadhu.
Local name for Dragon Fly
What doh kill does fatten and what don't fatten does...