Day(s) I accrue PTO
What is payday (10th and 25th)
Requirement to maintain ST/OT/PT licensure
What is continuing education?
Missing Therapist
What is expired license?
Annual Review timeline
What is once a year, generally on date of hire or FT status change?
Employee incident report
What do I fill out if my employee is injured on the job?
Payroll template
What is required to submit to Donna on day following pay period closure?
Continuing education request form
What is required to submit PRIOR to signing up for CE?
Forgotten password
What is setting a PIN number you can remember to reset yourself?
Benefit renewal date
What is December 1st
Reason to notify HR/Tammy immediately
What I need to do if an employee is injured or has medical emergency on the job?
40 hour advanced PTO
What can new hires use before 40 hours of PTO has been accrued less accrued hours?
Brad and Tammy
Who do I submit CE request to for approval?
Copy of actual ST/PT/OT license
What is required to post and submit to TR?
Orientation Checklist
What is required to be thoroughly completed with 3 days of hire?
Patient Incident Report
What form do I use to notify a patient incident?
Accrual report
What can I use to ensure employees have PTO available?
CE request form, class details with cost, approval email from Brad, payment receipt, expense report, and 8 hours of CEU's validation
What is required to be reimbursed for CE class?
Reason I cannot complete contractor notes
What is end date in NetHealth for Contractors?
Corrective Plan of Action
What do I use to address an employee concern?
Required on day of incident
What is patient and employee injury reports?
My-Estub website
Where do I go to view my paystubs?
Up to $500 a year
How much CE/license expense can I be reimbursed for annually?
Trinity Rehab
What is a great place to work?
90 day review
What is a good time to address new hire issues PRIOR to 90 day milestone?
Patient Incident Report notification
Who is Tammy, Brad, and your Area Director?