Has a martial arts black belt
Katie Tran
Has never watched Star Wars
Jenna Najjar
This senior used to be on the XC team but now plays soccer for Trinity
Libby Harris
This person is allergic to peanuts
Ellery Campbell
This coach has a dachshund
Coach Takashi
Did rhythmic gymnastics competitively for 7 years
Gabrieanne Chery
Never went to kindergarten
Phoebe Kinnell
This person joined the team halfway through the season last year
Ava DuBois
when this person was younger they would walk on their hands more then their feet
Abby Edson
Before this coach switched to running track in high school, they fractured my jaw playing baseball
Coach Mason
Has 4 siblings
Brooke Scott
Has a scar the shape of a frownie face
Kailey Burdett
This person is in an A-cappella group on campus
Chloe Hertigan
This person can't touch their toes
Savannah Cece
This coach was on their college varsity basketball and track team
Coach E
has been stuck in a foreign country after being pic pocketed of their passport
Jillian Strynar
Enjoys horseback riding
Sophia Fall
This person has known how to ski since they were two years old
Jaime Tolk
The shortest time this person held a job for was 2 hours before they quit
Elizabeth Forestiere
This coach was on their high school 4x400m school record holding team
Coach Maia
Is a Twin
Josie Hopkins
This first years sister was a 4x All-American high jumper at Trinity
Lauren Grattan
This thrower also plays basketball for Trinity
Amaya Pendleton
This person was so obsessed with ladybugs when they were younger that they were a ladybug for Halloween three years in a row
Caitlin Fitzgerald
This coach was in the circus
Coach Morgan