Is TRIO an acronym? What does TRIO stand for?
It is not. TRIO Programs originally started with three programs, Upward Bound (UB), Educational Talent Search (ETS), and Student Support Services (SSS).
Name all the TRIO Programs
Upward Bound
Upward Bound Math-Science
Veterans Upward Bound
Student Support Services
McNair Scholars
Educational Talent Search
Education Opportunities Centers
Training Programs for Federal TRIO Programs
Name all of the TRIO Staff and what their roles are!
Jackie Gutierrez - TRIO Director
Heather Albee-Scott - TRIO Success Coach
Jennifer Yawson - TRIO Program Coordinator and Success Coach
What are the official TRIO colors?
Red, Black and White
What does Jackie like to do for fun?
Play Pickleball
In what year and under which president did the TRIO initiatives begin?
President Lyndon B. Johnson
It was apart of his War on Poverty initiative.
What is the difference between equity and equality?
People given the same resources vs considering circumstance and allocate resources and opportunities needed to achieve equal outcome.
Random BONUS question:
What does it mean to you to be part of TRIO?
Anyone can share!
True or False?
Are Viola Davis, Oprah Winfrey and John Quiñones all TRIO Alums?
What is the name of Heather's cat?
Are TRIO programs only in Michigan?
No, TRIO is a national program. There are
What is Policy Seminar?
Each year during COE’s Policy Seminar, the TRIO community can educate Members of Congress, congressional staff, and others about the history and the success of federal college access and success programs. This years COE Policy Seminar is March 16-19 in Washington DC and Jackie will be attending on our behalf!
What are some of the main benefits of being in TRIO?
Here are some examples - Share others:
1:1 Success Coaching
Layer of academic support
Study Tables
Free Programs and Trips
Peer Mentor Program
Help with FAFSA
Financial Literacy - learning about budgets, etc.
Working with Jackie, Heather and Jennifer :)
What is the mission of TRIO?
TRIO programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for educational access and retention. TRIO programs provide direct support services for students, and relevant training for directors and staff. Through our numerous membership services, the Council For Opportunity In Education (COE) works in conjunction with colleges, universities, and agencies to help low-income students enter college and graduate. Nearly a million low-income students and students with disabilities each year receive college access and retention services through our member colleges and agencies.
What is Jennifer's Nickname?
True or False?
TRIO programs are funded by state funding
TRIO programs are federally funded through grants. Each program has to fight for funding through grant competition.
True or False.
TRIO funding is guaranteed
Each presidency, congress votes on how much money to allocate to TRIO programs and whether or not to refund existing TRIO programs
Who is the congressman for our region?
Congressman Tim Walberg is currently serving his eighth term in congress as the representative of southern Michigan.
What is TRIO Day and when is it?
National TRIO Day is the last Saturday of February (this year it's February 22) and we are celebrating it TODAY! National TRIO Day is meant to commemorate the achievements of the Federal TRIO Programs in communities across the country.
What instrument does Elizabeth play?
What is COE?
COE stands for Council for Opportunity in Education
You can think of COE as the mother organization overarching all TRIO Programs
Out of the 8 TRIO programs, what is the name of the TRIO program at Albion College
Student Success Services, otherwise referred to as SSS
What is the name of the TRIO program that happens for 4 weeks in the fall before classes start?
Summer Bridge
Name all of the TRIO Peer Mentors
Kayla Okai
Izahia Sales
Teresa Lopez
Rayven Randle
Who's office is across from Heather's Office? What is their name and what is their job?
Elizabeth Rudolph
Director of Accessibly Services