What is the minimum number of times you should meet with your TRIO advisor per quarter?
What is 1?
What building is TRIO Achievers located in?
What is Building 124?
What day of the week is farmers' market held on?
What is Thursday?
What office do you contact if you receive an outside scholarship?
What is the Office of Financial Aid?
How does TRIO primarily contact you?
What is my Cal Poly email?
How many academic colleges are there at Cal Poly?
What is 6?
What smoothie shop was founded in San Luis Obispo?
What is Jamba Juice?
Outside of your advising center, what office can support you with changing your major?
What is Career Services?
When should you do your TRIO senior exit interview?
What is my last quarter at Cal Poly?
What is the basic needs resource that you have access to as a TRIO student?
What is Cal Fresh?
What is the first solar powered movie theatre in the United States?
What is the Palm Theatre?
What are three resources you can access through library databases?
What are books, articles, and newspapers?
(Videos, photographs, interviews)
Who do you contact to schedule recurring tutoring with the Learning Support Center?
Who is your TRIO advisor?
What year was TRIO Achievers founded at Cal Poly?
What is 1984?
What famous 2000's actor was born in San Luis Obispo?
Who is Zac Efron?
How many months should your Emergency Fund be? (2 possible answers)
What is 3 or 6 months?
What is the minimum GPA to be eligible for TRIO's scholarship?
What is 2.5?
What college did Weird Al study at Cal Poly?
What is College of Architecture and Environmental Design?
What three hikes are a part of the tri-tip challenge?
What are Madonna Mountain, the "P", and Bishop Peak?
How do you use VIIPS?
What is career planning?