This god used a wooden boat painted to look like a stone to defeat his rival Seth in a race. For 100 points, name this head of the Egyptian pantheon, a falcon-headed Sky God.
In this novel, Milady de Winter tries to expose his affair with Queen Anne on the orders of Cardinal Richelieu, but the plan is foiled by Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. For ten points, name this novel by Alexandre Dumas [doo-MAH] about three swordsman and their friend d’Artagnan [dar-TAN-yan].
The Three Musketeers
For 100 points, name this kind of geologic feature that often contain stalagmites and stalactites, such as the Carlsbad Caverns.
While trying to escape from Crete with artificial wings, this boy ignored warnings to not fly too close to the sun. As a result, the wax holding the feathers together melted, causing him to fall and drown in the sea.
Name this type of quadrilateral that has one pair of parallel sides and, usually, one pair of non-parallel sides.
By definition, this structure is absent in prokaryotes, and during mitosis, the chromosomes inside this structure become visible. For 200 points, name this organelle that stores DNA, the control center of a cell.
These particles travel through a vacuum at nearly three times ten to the eighth meters per second. For 200 points, name these particles of light.
For 200 points, name this author whose novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is part of The Chronicles of Narnia.
C. S. Lewis
This master craftsman, Icarus’s father, was locked away in Crete with Icarus after King Minos ordered him to build the Labyrinth.
If a trapezoid’s non-parallel sides are of equal length, it is classified by this term. Similarly, a triangle that has exactly two sides of equal length is known by this term.
This warrior comes to the aid of King (*) Hrothgar [h-ROTH-gahr] by pulling off the arm of the monster Grendel. For 300 points, name this Anglo-Saxon epic poem.
For 300 points, what type of animal are the literary characters Paddington and Winnie the Pooh?
For 300 points, give this shared name of Mozart’s final symphony, a movement of Gustav Holst’s The Planets, and the chief Roman god.
The Labyrinth was made to house this creature that had the head of a bull and body of a man.
a Minotaur
If the parallel sides of a trapezoid are labeled a and b, the area of the trapezoid is equal to its height multiplied by this operation on the two side lengths a and b. You can give your answer as a formula, or you can give a description.
Davy Crockett was killed while defending this compound during the Texan Revolution. For 400 points, name this San Antonio mission, whose namesake battle inspired a rallying cry to “remember” this place.
The Alamo
A shrine in this country has a red gate that appears to float during high tide. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion is a Zen Buddhist temple in, for 400 points, what country, the home of the Ise [ee-say] Shrine and Osaka Castle?
For 400 points, name this quantity, the measure of acidity, which is seven for pure water.
This creature has only one eye.
a Cyclops
What is the name of the polygon with 3 equal sides.
An Equilateral Triangle
For 500 points, name the Italian sculptor, who depicted Mary holding Jesus in Pieta.
This man had a son with Hajar, an Egyptian slave who served his wife, Sarah. For 500 points, name this Islamic prophet who built the Ka’aba, the father of Isaac and Ismail.
This politician met with Stalin and Roosevelt at Yalta to discuss Allied strategy. For 500 points, name this Prime Minister of the UK during World War II.
Winston Churchill
Name the five headed serpent who is also the name of an organization the Captain America fights against.
What does the word "polygon" translate into?
Many sides