Which Country Has Not Fought A War Since 1814?
Something white from the outside and yellow from the inside
What Has A Head, A Tail, But Does Not Have A Body?
A coin
Which Cartoon Character Lives In A Pineapple Under The Sea?
Spongebob Squarepants
When is the new Lead’s birthday?
How Many Bones Are There In The Human Body? (Adults)
Who was the guest that was hosted in our first podcast?
Abdullah al faqier
How Do You Say “Merry Christmas” In Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
What did Baraa study back in Syria before moving to ASU?
Who is the lead singer of the hard-rock group Queen?
Freddie Mercury
How many events did DSC organize publicly?
During JPC 3, who won first place?
Mohammad, Rayyan, Abdullah
Which Year Did The Titanic Sink?
What's Short For "Binary Digit"?
Who (from the team) hosted the info session?
Belal, Rama, Raed, Joseph, Roya
When was the DSC first official meeting?
Who was said to “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee”?
Muhammed Ali
During JPC3 one of the team members was wearing a shirt with a character on it, who was it, and what was the character?
Baraa / Minions
Which country hosted the first Olympics?
Name the 5 main events that DSC organized publicly
Info session, Asu scheduler demo, podcast, ASU coding cup, JPC3