Animal Crossing
Drag Queen Terminology
The Band Camino
Tennessee Tech
American History - State Nicknames

Other than Isabelle’s daily announcements, where else can you get information about island events?

The bulletin board


What does it mean if you're "reading" something or someone? 

"Oh, that's a read"

verbally insulting another queen about their acts, looks, or persona, often in jest; the act of several queens taking turns to share insults is called a "library"


The band was formed in 2015 by Andrew Isbell, Jeffery Jordan, Graham Rowell, and Spencer Stewart, who were all students at what University?

The University of Memphis.


What is their mascot?

Awesome Eagle - Golden Eagles


Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement and delivered the famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963?

Martin Luther King Jr.


What can you do on your island at night?

A Wish on shooting stars

B Catch fireflies

C Befriend a ghost

D All of these

D - All of These


What am I doing if I am "Beating my face"

Applying/blending makeup.


According to their Spotify, what is their most popular song?

I Think I Like You


 What is the Tennessee Tech student newspaper called?

The Oracle


In 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected President of the United States. Who was his opponent in the presidential race?

John McCain


Which of these items can you NOT grow on your island?

A - Fruit

B - Turnips

C - Bells

D - Flowers

B - Turnips


What is "Lip syncing for your life"?

a lip-syncing challenge between an Ru Paul's Drag Race episode's bottom two queens, in which the loser is eliminated from the competition


What does "Camino" mean in Spanish?



At 5:00 pm on every afternoon in December, Christmas music can be heard across most of Tennessee Tech's campus. Where does that music come from?

The Carillon Bells in Derryberry Hall


What was the main cause of the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression in the 1930s?

Due to low crop prices and high machinery costs, more submarginal lands were put into production. Farmers also started to abandon soil conservation practices. These events laid the groundwork for the severe soil erosion that would cause the Dust Bowl.


What's the name of the expert panel that evaluates Animal Crossing homes?

Happy Home Academy


If I tell you to "Sissy that walk" what am I telling you to do?

walk confidently, usually down the runway; walk like a woman


In 2019, the Band Signed with what record label?

A - Universal Music Group

B - Beat Records

C - Caltex Records

D - Elektra Records

D - Elektra Records


The Golden Eagle which is mounted on the Bell Tower of Derryberry Hall was commissioned for the University in celebration of its becoming a University in 1965. True or false?


The eagle was in fact stolen from the Monteagle Hotel in the 1950s. The governor eventually settled with the hotel for the value of the sculpture and pardoned the over-exuberant students who snatched it.


Which U.S. President initiated the policy of “détente” during the Cold War to ease tensions with the Soviet Union?



Why should you listen for a "whooshing" sound while playing New Horizons?

It signals that a flying package is somewhere nearby.


This World of Wonder (WOW) show features world renowned drag queens Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova talking about what ever they want because its their show, not yours.



How Expensive is their "In My Arms Tour Hoodie", according to their website



What was the name of the original college that occupied the location currently called Tennessee Technological University?

Dixie College

Dixie College was first opened in 1912 as a religious school. In 1915, the State agreed to take over the school and it was renamed Tennessee Polytechnic Institute. In 1965, it achieved university status and was renamed Tennessee Technological University. Commonly called Tennessee Tech, the nickname has held since 1915.


Why did former Vice President Al Gore win the Nobel Peace Prize?

His work on climate change education through his movie "An Inconvenient Truth."
