How many bases are there on a baseball field?
Reward: $4 + $4
How Many Continents Are There?
Reward: $7
This Mythological creature has many Unicorn-like Features
What is a Unicorn?
Reward: $11
Who is Shrek’s wife?
Reward: $10 + $2
2 + 2
2 x 2
What is the answer to all of these?
Reward: $2^2 x $2 + $2
What is the most popular Special Water-type Attack in competitive?
A. Surf/B. Hydro Pump/C. Scald/D. Whirlpool
C. Scald
Reward: $4 x 5
What Are Horizontal And Vertical Imaginary Lines Around The Earth Called?
Latitudes and Longitudes
Reward: Next Item you Buy is Free
With the help of what do kangaroos maintain their balance while hopping?
Reward: $20/Flip a Coin, If Tails, Double Reward
From which language did the word “Ketchup” come?
Reward: $6 + $9
What is the most Competitively Viable attack of the options?
A. U-Turn/B. Stealth Rocks/C. Toxic/D. Protect
A. U-Turn (The others aren't Attacking moves
Reward: +$21
What five colors make up the Olympic rings?
Blue, yellow, black, green and red
Reward: $5 x $5 + $5
The Great Barrier Reef Is Off The Coast Of Which Australian State?
Reward: $30
Name the largest mammal in the whole world
Blue Whale
Reward: $30
Which bird has the largest wingspan?
Reward: $10 x 3
Flip a Coin
Answer: Tails
Tails: -$20
Heads: +$10
Name a State
Solid/Liquid/Gas (Plasma would also be acceptable)
Reward: $13 x 3
Which Is The Youngest American State?
Reward: $50 - $10
Most of the starfishes have how many arms?
Reward: $5 x 8
What is the national sport of Japan?
Sumo Wrestling
This Pokemon ran the Gen 9 LC Meta until the DLC came around
What is Pawniard?
Reward: +$39
What is it called when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?
A Turkey
Reward: Heal 5 HP
Which Continent Is In All Four Hemispheres (North, East, South, And West)?
Africa. Although the majority of Africa is found in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Reward: Free Sitrus Berry
Choose a Player to Win
Reward: -$25
What Metal has the highest melting point of any Naturally Occurring metal?
What is Tungsten?
Reward: Free Rocky Helmet
How long was the ABR vs. tele battle?
1287 turns long
Reward: $12 + $87