Complaint Level

Narrative: Customer chatted in, wanting to have payment cancelled, but system will not cancel it. It keeps saying that it is cancelled, but it is not reflecting that. They asked for supervisor since it will not cancel.

What should the complaint level be? Why? 

This should be a L2 because the customer requested a manager 


Narrative: Customer chatted in about the interest edu cx on their trailing interest, cx request a waiver, edu cx on the $25 waiver, cx disappointed want a full waiver. Chat ended naturally. 

Is this a complaint? If so, why and what level? 

L1 Complaint - CX disappointed but accepted resolution.  


Chat Example:

CX: I am trying to get my APR decreased, can you help me with that? 

Agent: We are unable to lower your APR at this time, if your are a service member or (dependent of) called to active duty you may be eligible for SCRA benefits. Does this apply to you?

CX: No 

Agent: Thank you for that information, was there anything else I can answer for you today? 

CX: No 

Is this a complaint? If so, what level and why?

No - this is not a complaint. There were no trigger words and customer did not request to be escalated. 


Chat Example:

CX: I am in the line at the grocery store and my card keeps getting declined! I just made a payment and it didn't change my available credit, I need to complete this order!  

Agent: I'm sorry for that, the payment in the amount of $500 has been applied to your account but is currently on hold. It will be available on 9/7/2024. I see that there were previous payments that were rejected because of insufficient funds. Payments made with Apple Cash are usually made available immediately, if you're able to make a payment with Apple Cash for your transaction amount, I can walk you through that quickly?

CX: I cant. I am going to have to use a different card. Thanks. 

Is this a complaint? If so, why and what Level? 

L1 - Customer expressed dissatisfaction in the greeting. There was an issue they were experiencing due to the payment hold. Customer used explanation points to express frustration OR anxiety. 


Chat Example:

CX: I was going to use my card for a purchase but the payment I made is not showing it's available? 

Agent: The payment in the amount of $2,000 has been applied to your account but is currently on hold. It will be available on 9/9/2024. In the meantime, you can review your account balance and make additional payments. A payment may be placed on hold for reasons such as first-time payments, unusual for typical payment or credit activity, payments made by check and payment reversals. As a reminder, payments made with Apple Cash are usually made available immediately. 

CX: Oh okay I'll use my other card. 

Is this a complaint? If so, why and what Level? 

No - this customer did not express urgency or frustration. The customer did not request to be escalated. 
