what is my favorite icecream and topping
what was Jesus' first miracle
water into wine at cana
what was matthew before he was a diciple
tax collector
what type of map shows sizes of a country according to their population
what is the powerhouse of the cell
what is my favorite season
how many baskets of leftovers did they have after the feeding of 5,000
math equation for forgiveness
what is the idea that the word is becoming "smaller" due to interconnectivity of technology
time space compression
when was the magna carta writen
what is my least favorite class to GO TO/BE IN
who was the only diciple to actually follow Jesus to the cross
which diciple waked on water with Jesus
simon peter
how far does the eez of unclos stretch
200 nautical miles
favorite soccer trip
how many hoodies do i own (total hoodies and crewnecks in my closet at this moment)
a-16 b-20 c-14 d-23
how does Jesus describe the way to heaven in one word
which 2 prophets showed up with Jesus during the transfiguration
moses, elijiah
largest language family
indo european
what color soccer shirt do i wear on friday (school)
what is my favorite book of the bible (ot, gospel, nt)
isaiah, john, romans
andrew, james, simon, bartholomew, john, thaddaeus
who are the other 6
other james, matthew, philip, simon peter, thomas, judas
finish these 4 lines (all or none) from the sermon on the mount
blessed are the humble- for they...
for where your treasure is, there...
the gate to Heaven is... (one word)
you are the ___ of the earth and the ___ of the world
1- will inherit the earth
2- your heart will be also
3- narrow
4- salt, light
what stage of development is this country in
stage 5
which team in the nfl has the quarterback who cant throw a ball and that same team also cant win a game to save their lives
the bears