What is my 2nd favorite color
What is my favorite hobby
What's my least favorite food hint it’s made my dad
Peanut butter soup
What is my favorite dessert
Ice cream
How old am i
What is my least favorite color
Brown, black, and grey
What is my favorite instrument to play not including my voice
What is my favorite food
Sushi and pizza with not a lot of cheese
What is my favorite ice cream flavor
Banana made by you
What’s my favorite stuffed animal
What is my favorite color
Pink, gold, rose gold, and teal
What is a hobby i do that is not dance or piano cause I don’t do piano really
Jiu jitsu
What’s my favorite restaurant currently
Wasabi or the artichoke
What’s my favorite type of donut
Regular donut with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles
what are 2 of my favorite words
I’m bored
What are one of my favorite color combinations
Pink and light blue and red, orange, and yellow
What is my favorite type of dance not including acro
Which one do i like better chicken nuggets or chicken strips
Chicken strips
What’s my favorite cookie from bakesale
If i eat 10 monkeys and there were 11 monkeys IRL how many are left
11 because it was a dream i would never eat a full monkey i’m to tiny
What is my second to last favorite color
Rank my favorite types of dance including acro
1. Tap
2. Jazz
3. Acro
4. Ballet
5. Hip hop
What’s my least favorite restraunt
Do i like chocolate or vanilla cupcakes better
Am i more like like demeter or athena