What movie is "Hakuna Matata" from
The Lion King
What is the name of Harry Potter's pet?
How many days in a year?
Trivia question: What is a group of lions called?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Cómo se llama un grupo de leones?
A Pride
Trivia Question: What city is the movie capital of the world?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Qué ciudad es la capital mundial del cine?
What is the name of the dragon who helps Mulan?
What district is Katniss Everdeen from?
District 12
Who was the American President during the civil war?
Abraham lincon
Trivia Question: How many wings do dragonflies have?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Cuántas alas tienen las libélulas?
Trivia Question: What city is the capital of California?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Qué ciudad es la capital de California?
Who helps Marlin look for Nemo?
What house is Harry Potter in?
What part of the plant conducts photosynthesis?
Trivia Question: What do you call a female deer?
Pregunta trivia: ¿Cómo se llama una cierva hembra?
A doe
Trivia Question: What holiday is celebrated on the second sunday in May in the U.S.?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Que festividad se celebra en el segundo domingo de Mayo en los Estados Unidos?
Mothers day
What is the name of Rapunzel’s pet chameleon in Tangled?
Who is the main character from The Lord of the Rings?
what year was the iPhone released?
Trivia Question: What animal can carry up to 5000 times its body weight?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Qué animal puede cargar hasta 5000 veces su peso corporal?
An Ant
Trivia Question: What is the planet with the most moons?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Cuál es el planeta con la mayoria de lunas?
"We don't talk about _____?"
Who drives the Magic School Bus?
Ms. Frizzle
Sport known as king of sports?
Trivia Question: What is the slowest animal in the world?
Pregunta de trivia: ¿Cuál es el animal más lento del mundo?
Three toed sloth
Trivia Question: What color are Smurfs?
Pregunta trivia: ¿De qué color son los Pitufos?
Blue / Azul