What is Emma's fav color
what is light blue?
What is Hadleys fav color?
what is Navy Blue?
What is Millies fav color?
What is Dark red?
What is Mrs Zs fav color
what is Yellow
what was the old picture on Mrs Zs ps?
What is the black monster thing
When is Emmas B Day?
When is Hadleys B Day?
what is October 24
When is Miilies B Day?
What is December 1st
How old is Mrs Z? (Hint not her real age its between 30 and 15)
what is 29
what is Mrs Zs fav candy that I now about
What is Peppermint?
What is Emma's Fav subject?
What is science
What is Hadleys fav subject?
What is Avid?
What is millie's fav subject?
What is Leadership and Avid?
What did Mrs Z do before she did Teaching?
What is a photographers?
what was the last pet Mrs Z had in her class room?
What are chicks
Who is Emma's Fav bestie?
what is Abigail
What does Hadley want to be when shes older?
What is veterinarian
What does Millie want to be when shes older?
What is a Teacher?
When is Mrs Zs B Day?
what is November 26
How many women posters are there in Mrs Zs class room
What is 27
Were does Emma do club Volleyball?
what is South Albany
were does Hadley do club Volleyball?
What is Level 1
How long has Millie done dance
What is 10 years?
Who is Mrs Zs fav old student?
What is Finley Rae (Millie's Brother)
How many stranger things stuff does Mrs Z have?
what is 23