Trivia Question: "We don't talk about _____?"
Trivia Question: What is 175+59
Trivia Question: What fruit do kids traditionally give to teachers?
An Apple
Trivia Question: Which MALE sea creature gets pregnant and has babies?
sea horse
What is the school mascot?
Trivia Question: What movie is "Hakuna Matata" from?
The Lion King
Trivia Question: True or false: 23+34 > 45+19
Trivia Question: How many days are usually in a month?
Trivia question: What is the largest animal in the ocean?
Blue Whale
How many specials does SVES have?
Art, Music, Steam, PE
Trivia Question: What was one of Coach Garzas favorite Disney movies as a kid?
Monsters Inc.
Trivia Question: 806+290
Trivia Question: What state do we live in?
North Carolina
Trivia Question: What is Ms. Ammon's favorite animal?
What is the nurses name?
Nurse Rachel
Trivia Question: What is Buzz Lightyear's catch phrase?
To infinity and beyond!
Trivia Question: There are 12 slices of pizza. If we give 4 kids two slices of pizza, how many pizza slices are left?
Riddle: The more you take away from me, the bigger I become. What am I?
A hole
Trivia Question: Which sea animal has 3 hearts?
An octopus
What is the statue of the Bulldog wearing when you enter the school. (hint: the bulldog is on the ground in the white pebbles)
a scarf around his neck
Trivia Question: What is the name of the little girl in Monster's Inc.?
Trivia Question: 56/7?
Trivia Question: What is the name of Ryan Strayhan's candy?
Joy Ride
What is the slowest mammal?
What is the new AP (assistant principal's) name.
Tamika Alleyne