Trivia Question: "We don't talk about _____?"
Trivia Question: What is 6 + 7
Trivia Question: What fruit do kids traditionally give to teachers?
An Apple
Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Labron James plays for this NBA team from California
LA Lakers
Trivia Question: What movie is "Hakuna Matata" from?
The Lion King
Trivia Question: True or false: 267>678
Trivia Question: How many days in a year?
Trivia question: What is the largest animal in the ocean?
Blue Whale
Jason Tatum plays for this NBA team from Boston
Boston Celtics
Trivia Question: Which Disney movie was made to look like a place in Columbia?
Trivia Question: What number is in the hundreds place in 868
Trivia Question: What country do we live in?
Trivia Question: How many arms does a starfish have?
This is the baseball team from Boston, MA
Boston Red Sox
Trivia Question: What is Buzz Lightyear's catch phrase?
To infinity and beyond!
Trivia Question: There are 8 slices per pizza. If we have 8 kids, how many pizzas do we need to get so that every kid gets 2 slices.
8X2= 16
2 pizzas
Riddle: The more you take away from me, the bigger I become. What am I?
A hole
Trivia Question: Which sea animal has tentacles?
An octopus
These baseball teams are from New York
(There are 2)
NY Yankees
NY Mets
Trivia Question: What is the name of the little girl in Monster's Inc.?
Trivia Question: What is 250 +30
Trivia Question: Who was the 1st president of the United States?
George Washington
What kind of sleeps in the day, and can turn their body almost 360 degrees? (Makes a hooting sound)
This football team won the Superbowl this year
Philadelphia Eagles