How much money do I owe the IRS?
None what
how many therapy sessions did I do
What’s my favorite video game
Epic dumpster bear 2
What awesome yaoi anime did I watch on the trip to Wisconsin Dells?
Gakuen Handsome
Name a street which a McDonald’s is on
Idk look it up
How many romantic partners have I had?
How many lightbulbs do I have in my room?
What church do I go to?
I am not doxxing myself like that but I know you know the answer
How many fingers are in my room?
10 because I am in my room and I have 10 fingers
How many medicines am I on rn?
1. Claritin. I’m boring.
Which room is my cat in right now?
Hold up lemme check
What did they call RT game back in college?
The drift king
Name a cardinal direction that I don’t dislike
Trick question I hate birds (no points lost)
When did I lose my virginity
How many anime have I seen (closest wins)
which one piece character do I have a keychain of?
0, 1, 4, 6, or any letters
What scent is my shampoo
What’s my favorite ship rn
Friend ship <3
Who is my main in either unmodded or modded risk of rain 2?
Huntress / Deku