What’s the Chick fil a mascot?
A cow (shockingly)
Name all of Santa’s reindeer
Dasher, Dancer, prancer, vixen, commet, Cupid, donner, blitzen (optional: Rudolf)
What’s my sleepaway camp called?
Camp High Harbour 🏕️
Who’s my second period teacher?
Mrs. Burdis
What’s the third planet from the sun?
Finish the sentence -It’s a..
Chick fil a kind of day
Christmas celebrates who’s birth?
Jesus Christ
What’s my favorite color?
I have Sr. Torres for two periods which ones?
3rd and 5th
If x=4 what is 4x?
How do the chick-fil-a billboards spell “chicken?”
What day of the week is Christmas this year?
What’s something a really want (but probably won’t get) for Christmas?
A vanity
Who’s my 4th period teacher?
Ms Powe
What’s the capital of New York
Albany (I think I’m to lazy to check google)
What time does breakfast end?
10:30 (sadly)
Santa has a white…
What color is my lamp?
Pink ish magenta
What’s my 6th period?
What has arms and legs but no body?
A chair
What time did Chick fil a close before Covid?
What’s the first Christmas movie we watched this year?
Christmas Chronicles
What’s is the kid I babysit for (Willie) bedtime?
What will be my b-day connection after winter break?
You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy
A candle