The newest sport to be added to our lineup.
What is football?
Vice Principal before Mrs. Buhrman
Who is Mr. Meyer?
Last year we celebrated which anniversary?
What is the 60th?
True or False: There is an American flag hanging in our church.
Favorite dessert made fresh in the cafeteria for many years.
What is a cinnamon roll?
We have a three-peat in this sport.
What is girls' volleyball?
Name three TEACHERS whose children ATTENDED St. Luke.
Who are Mrs. Contero, Mrs. Elizondo, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Ozuna, Mrs. Morales, Mrs. Noriega, Mrs. Garcia, Mrs. Albor, Mrs. Gonzalez, Coach Loza, and Mrs. Dannhardt?
Boys' uniform color when the school first opened.
What is khaki?
The Feast Day of St. Luke.
What is October 18?
Deacon Richard Gonzalez' day job.
What is owning a Chick-Fil-A Restaurant?
St. Luke is dominant in these two sports.
What are softball and girls' volleyball?
The number of years Ms. Molesky has taught at St. Luke.
What is 33?
The founders of our school.
Who are the Brigidine Sisters?
The part of the liturgical year we are in right now.
What is Ordinary Time?
Fr. Jim's dog.
Who is Luke?
Name the sport that was eliminated in the 2000's.
What is boys' volleyball?
This teacher was a fifth grade homeroom teacher before becoming a specials teacher.
Who is Ms. Chavez?
St. Luke was founded when this school had too many students.
What is St. Paul Catholic School?
Last school year, First Reconciliation and First Communion were unique for this reason.
Both second and third graders received both sacraments for the first time. COVID is NOT an acceptable answer!
Father Danny was born here.
What is Kenya?
The St. Luke Baseball Field is named after this person.
Who is Bert Stott? Bert had no children of his own, but was a coach, umpire, and concession stand manager at St. Luke until his death.
This staff member attended St. Luke as a child.
Who is Mrs. Estes?
These two teachers from the past were considered the "Dynamic Duo" of the third grade.
Who are Mrs. Thompson and Ms. Turk?
What is sprinkled over your head?
Fr. Eric got his degree from UT in this subject.
What is Engineering?