The song Danger Zone became popular from what movie?
Top Gun
Which prophet wrote 1&2 Kings?
Where did Philip & Jessica live when first married?
Roanoke, VA
Who was older, Moses or Aaron?
Aaron was 3 years older.
TRUE OR FALSE- The color orange was named after the fruit.
Forrokh Bulsara was the real name of what famous British Pop/Rock singer?
Freddie Mercury/Queen
In Hebrews 11, which of these 4 was not mentioned; Abel, Rahab, Jonah or Sampson?
True or False. Both Philip & Jessica are the youngest of their siblings.
What was the magazine Awake previously known as?
Golden Age & Consolation
Which fingernail grows fastest?
What 80’s hit dance song was sang by Men Without Hats?
The Safety Dance
How many books of the Bible start with E?
6- Exodus, Ezra, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Ezekiel, Ephesians
What is Jessica’s maiden name?
Jessica Walsh
What is the name of this years closing convention song?
With Eyes of Faith
Rain contains which vitamin?
Who played 27 different instruments on his debut album?
What were the Hebrew names of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego?
Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah.
True or false. Both were under 21 on wedding day.
What year were we introduced to Caleb & Sophia?
BackRub is the original name of what search engine?
Name the following song…
I guess this time you’re really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
Well, as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love, it’s suicide
I’ll Be There for You- Bon Jovi
In Nebuchadnezzars dream of the great image, What world power represented the copper abdomen & thighs?
Where did they take their honeymoon? HINT- it is one of the tropical paradises sung about in Kokomo.
What was the scripture from today’s text?
Matthew 10:11- into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave.
Which fruit has more genes than humans?