Which family member was accepted to Loyola Marymount in 1984?
What young gun went undefeated in regular season V Tennis at Pedro High?
Name this town where great-grandpa Vaughn got his start as a US Citzen
In what year did California become a state?
What family member attended the University of Toronto?
Grandpa Tom
Name the three family members accepted to UC SD who attended?
Robert, Stevie, Heather
Name the game of this family member who played his first high school football game in the LA Coliseum?
Name this town where Matthew & Justin were born?
Murrietta, CA
What type of fish is Nemo?
Who wrote Where the Wild Things Are?
Maurice Sendak
Name this family member that received a PHD from USC?
Mr. Antell
Which family member has repeatedly performed in The Nutcracker?
Name this town where Brian attended college in IN?
Notre Dame, IN
What is the name of Thomas Jefferson's home?
What author wrote The Road and won a Pulitzer in 2007
Cormac Mccarthy
Which family member was accepted to SLO in 1983?
Uncle Andy
Name this family athlete that played against USC and Rams stand-out Robert Woods
What is the name of Matthew's fraternity at the University of Washington?
Which famous music festival takes place in CA?
What year was Grandma Alice/Tootie born?
Name this college in MI where Aunt Annie attended?
Sienna Heights.
Which family member(s) served as Accolytes in their youth?
Robert and Cole
Name the town and college where Molly attended?
Scripps in Claremont, CA
Who sang the theme song from the James Bond film, Skyfall?
What fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?