A slow animal that hangs
What is a sloth
Which food group is the healthiest
What is vegetables
Which planet spins the fastest
What is Jupiter
What is the most popular kids TV show
What is SpongeBob
Where is the largest forest
Where is Congo Basin
What type of bird talks
What is a parrot
What is the healthiest vegetable
What is kale
What planet is the hottest
What is Venus
What was the most popular movie in 2003
What is Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
What was the first lake called
What is Lake Chicot
What is the fastest animal on Earth
What is a Peregrine Falcon
Which meal-time is the healthiest
What is breakfast
How hot can it be on the sun
What is 1.8 million degrees F
What was the oldest movie
What is Roundhay Garden Scene
What is the oldest tree called
What is the Methuselah Tree
What type of bird is the best pet
What is a parrot
What drink is the healthiest
What is water
When did the first person land on the moon
What is July 20th, 1969
What was the first Adam Sandler movie
What is Going Overboard
What is the name of the world`s largest reef system
What is the Great Barrier Reef
what is the best house pet
What is a dog
What is the worst candy
What is the circus peanut candy
When did they discover Venus
What is 1761
Who made the first projector
Who is Eadweard Muybridge
What is the name of the largest coral reef in the world
What is the Great Barrier Reef