What year was Badin founded?
What song does everyone sing at the end of football games?
Alma Mater
What is the best place in SB?
Potawatomi Zoo!
What year did undergraduate women get accepted to ND?
What does BTR stand for?
Be the Reason
Is Badin the oldest women's residence hall?
What do you do when someone drops a dish in South Dining Hall?
Clap and cheer!
What is the name of the minor league baseball team?
How many buildings are named solely after a woman on Notre Dame's campus?
What was Badin's old mascot/what is its current mascot?
Bad Attitudes, Bullfrogs
Which Notre Dame president lived in Badin?
Fr. Hesburgh the namesake of the library!
What is the largest uninterrupted campus quad in North America?
You got it, South Quad!
What Oscar nominated actor went to Mishawaka High School?
Adam Driver
Who are the only two women depicted in statues on campus?
The Virgin Mary and Muffet McGraw (if you know you know)
What dance do we have this year that is special to Badin?
DOME DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!
Who was Fr. Badin?
First Catholic priest ordained in the US, gave Fr. Sorin the land that it is now Notre Dame from the Potawatomi Tribe
How many crayola crayon colors are affiliated with Notre Dame?
2 (we hope)
What is the favorite pizza place of Notre Dame students?
Are there more men or women at ND?
How many first years are there in Badin this year?
Where is Fr. Badin now?
Log Chapel RIP
What is in the basement of Duncan Student Center?
What species of falcon is South Bend part of the restoration for?
Korbin Albert
Where is our priest in residence?