The major mountain range that runs through northern Italy?
What are the Alps?
Sort these animals by there eye size...biggest to smallest: giant squid, blue whale, bear, moose, human
What is: Giant Squid, blue whale, moose, human, bear?
A person who, without permission, snatches kitchen tools that scrape veggie skins.
What is a peeler stealer?
ABC, I Want You Back, The Love You Saved
What are songs by The Jackson Five?
Ace Tray Taste Who Dent
What is "a straight- A student"?
This many pounds are in 3 tons.
What is 6,000?
Sort these musical participants by their starting position in an orchestra layout...front to back: violins, woodwinds, percussion, brass, conductor
What is: conductor, violins, woodwinds, brass, percussion?
Bodily shaking while swimming in a large, cold stream.
What is river shiver?
A belt, a bra, a bank robber.
Nosed Ring Sat Hatched
This historical period is described by the word "medieval".
Sort these things by how many there are commonly found in the human body...most to least: bones, taste buds, joints, pairs of chromosomes, acupuncture points.
What is: taste buds (3,000), acupuncture points (365), joints (230), bones (206), pairs of chromosomes (23).
High temperature coming from a chair or bench.
What is seat heat?
A boat, a cradle, Van Halen.
What is they rock?
Dare Saw Weigh Such Ants
What is "There's always a chance"?
Name the charges of these particles:
Neutrons, Electrons, Protons.
What is 0, negative, positive?
Sort these bands by the # of members they have (or had)...most to least: Jonas Brothers, The Fray, Three 6 Mafia, New Kids on the Block, Linkin Park
What is: Linkin Park (6), NKOTB (5), The Fray (4), Jonas Bros (3), 3 6 Mafia (2)?
One who folds a mixer.
What is a blender bender?
Cleopatra, Ernest Hemingway, Vincent Van Gogh
What is they committed suicide?
Bed Chirp Autumn Doll Her
What is "Bet your bottom dollar"?
Colors of the Olympic rings?
What are: red, green, blue, yellow, black?
Sort these poker card hands by the probability of being dealt them from a deck of 52...most likely to least: one pair, three of a kind, full house, a straight, flush.
What is: one pair (2.37/1), 3 of a kind (46/1), a straight (254/1), flush (508/1), full house (693/1)?
A mouth display of a jester.
What is a clown frown?
Baseball games, trash dumps, blue jeans.
What is they have flies?
Hit Sewn Leap Uphill Of
What is "It's only puppy love"?