What kind of "kat" is a chocolate candy bar?
What is a Kit-Kat?
This faction is referred to as "the green tide".
Who are the Orks?
This character, played by Ewan McGregor, famously says "Only a Sith deals in absolutes", in Revenge of the Sith.
Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?
This game, drawing heavy inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons, won Game of The Year in 2023.
What is Baldur's Gate III?
This custom-card game, developed by Wizards of the Coast, was designed originally to be played to pass time between DND sessions.
What is Magic: The Gathering?
What kind of cat hangs out with Batman?
What / Who is Cat Woman?
This Imperium stronghold watched over the Eye of Terror before its collapse.
What is Cadia?
This planet is where BB-8 and Rey Skywalker first meet in The Force Awakens.
What is Jakku?
In Rainbow Six Siege's ranked playlist, this mid-to-high rank exists between Platinum and Diamond.
What is Emerald?
When opening a card pack, the cards that are rare or otherwise desirable from that card set are referred to as this.
What are chase cards?
What kind of cat describes a great, big disaster?
What is a catastrophe / cataclysm?
The Dark Eldar refer to Slaanesh by this title.
Who is "She who Thirsts"?
This actor, while renowned for his role in the Godfather, rejected the role of Han Solo for Star Wars, saying 'I can't make anything out of this.'
Who is Al Pacino?
This Pokémon, known is the Coin Entity Pokémon, is Number 1000 in the National Pokédex.
Who is Gholdengo?
"Kuriboh" is an ultra-rare card from this lond-standing Trading Card Game.
What is Yu-Gi-Oh!?
What kind of cat obscures your vision?
What is a cataract?
The Adeptus Sororitas Headquarters is is located on this planet.
What is Ophelia VII?
In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this character opened Cad Bane's holocron, after being threatened with the death of his disciple.
Who is Anakin Skywalker?
Commonly considered to be one of the better items in The Binding of Isaac, this passive item, sharing the biblical name for sulfur, changes Isaac's tears into a charged blood lazer beam.
What is Brimstone?
This deck archetype, involves the player chaining or stacking multiple different card effects to develop and oppressive or otherwise unbreakable board state.
What is a combo deck?
What kind of "kat" is the capital of Nepal?
What is Kathmandu?
The Blood Angel's Chapter of the Space Marines hold this artefact, a relic that signifies their honor and prowess in battle.
What is the Blade Encarmine?
Darth Vader orders Han Solo to be encased and frozen in this material.
What is Carbonite?
This item in Terraria (Vanilla) has the longest crafting tree in the game, requiring 36 different items to make.
What is the Zenith?
This term is used to describe a card, or cards, that are generally useful, and therefore used in a grand assortment of different decks.
What is a staple card?