The nephew of Barry Allen, he was depicted as a teenage sidekick to his uncle and a founding member of the Teen Titans.

Who is Wally West (Kid Flash)?


The former base of operations of the Green Arrow and Speedy.

What is The Arrowcave?


 He is usually depicted as an extraterrestrial android or cyborg who serves as one of Superman's greatest enemies and a frequent adversary of the Justice League.

Who is Brainiac?


What is the name of the first person who became the Flash?

Who is Jay Garrick?


These two teams must unite to battle Darkseid, Deathstroke the Terminator, and Dark Phoenix. 

Who is X-Men & The Teen Titans?

The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans (1982) 


A rookie police officer, he wore a special bulletproof costume and took "Vitamin 2X" which endowed him with super-energy, and he was assisted by a neighborhood pharmacist in his fight against crime.

Who is Blue Beetle?


A nightclub and base of operations for the Penguin. Located in Gotham City.

What is The Iceberg Lounge?


Possessing a mix of brute strength and exceptional intelligence, he is often credited as the only villain to have "broken the bat" both physically and mentally. He is a son of another of Batman's enemies, King Snake.

Who is Bane?


What's the name of Batman's butler?

Who is Alfred Pennyworth?


These two heros battle the Joker and the Shaper of Worlds. 

Who is Batman & Hulk?

 Batman vs. the Incredible Hulk (1981)


He is originally depicted as a schoolteacher from the crime-ridden Suicide Slum area of Metropolis who acquires electrical superpowers from a technologically advanced power belt that he puts to use to clean up crime in his neighborhood 

Who is Black Lightning?


The headquarters of Batman. Located directly beneath Wayne Manor.

What is The Batcave?


Overly-obsessive and deranged ex-professor of psychology who uses of a variety of experimental toxins and psychological tactics to exploit the fears and phobias of his victims and adversaries, especially Batman's.

Who is Scarecrow?


What does Superman's logo represent?

What is Hope?


These two must stop a world domination / destruction plot hatched in tandem by their respective arch-nemeses, Lex Luthor and Doctor Octopus.

Who is Spider-Man & Superman

Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man (1976)


 A superheroine in possession of the Tantu Totem, which allows her to harness the spirit (ashe) of animals. She can conjure the power and abilities of any animal past or present.

Who is Vixen?


A dangerous part of Metropolis

What is Suicide Slum?


 He is usually depicted as an assassin and the archenemy of the Teen Titans... he has also served as an adversary of other heroes in the DC Universe, such as Batman, Green Arrow, and the Justice League. He is the father of Joe, Rose and Grant Wilson.

Who is Deathstroke?


What does DC stand for?

What is Detective Comics?


The Joker and Carnage meet when behavioral psychiatrist Cassandra Briar attempts to use the two killers as tests for a computer chip that will 'lobotomize' their homicidal instincts.

Who is Spider-Man & Batman

Spider-Man and Batman: Disordered Minds (1995)


She was trained by her brothers in the same techniques, and after their defeat at the hands of Black Canary, she hunted them down and killed them for dishonoring their father's name...she traveled to Gotham and set to blackmail Black Canary by revealing her secret identity and threatening to kill one teammate for each hour that passed

Who is White Canary?


The headquarters of the Teen Titans, originally located in New York City. Currently located in San Francisco.

What is Titans Tower?


He is the tyrannical ruler of the planet Apokolips, whose ultimate goal is to conquer the universe by eliminating all hope and free will in sentient beings...before becoming one of Superman's greatest villains and the Justice League's archenemy. 

Who is Darkseid?


What was the ancient weapon that Bruce and Diana were gazing at when they met in ‘Batman vs. Superman.’?


What is The Sword of Alexander the Great?


 You did not think their battle in DC vs. Marvel was the last word on the issue, did you? Worlds tremble as the two must fight it out, but is there something more sinister afoot?

Who is Hulk & Superman

The Incredible Hulk vs. Superman (1999) 
