Gone But Not Forgotten
Shiny Gems Facts
Flora Facts
Famous Pets of the World

This famous actor played numerous roles during his time of fame however his most popular role was from a 1818 classic spooky novel monster about to get a bride.


What is gemstone is used in electronic devices?


Quartz has a unique electrical property called piezoelectric. Because of this property, quartz crystals are used in electronic devices to convert mechanical stress into electricity and vice versa. In fact, modern day watches use the quartz crystal to keep accurate time.


What flower is the most well known?


Back in 1989, about 1 billion cut roses were sold annually in the U.S. By 2023, that had risen to roughly 2.8 billion—enough to give every adult in the country a bouquet of 10.


These famous pets were as famous as her owner. They did long walks around the garden and were the most royal of guests.

Two Pembroke Welsh Corgis named Sandy and Muick, a Dorgi (Corgi-Dachshund mix), and a Cocker Spaniel named Lissy.


How much is the most expensive coffee in the world?

Although kopi luwak is a form of processing rather than a variety of coffee, it has been called the most expensive coffee in the world with retail prices reaching €550 / US$700 per kilogram.

The main factor of its high price is the uncommon method of production. It is produced from coffee beans which have been partially digested by the Indonesian palm civet and then excreted.


This famous man was born on January 15th 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He had many struggles during his life and helped many people who had darker skin. He 

Martin Luthur King Jr.

He was one of the best speakers and because of his actions laws were changed to support people of darker skin.


What is the most colour gemstone?


The tourmaline is also known as the "Rainbow Gem" because of the fact that is the only gem that can come in every color. People believed that Tourmaline gained its huge range of colours from it being formed whilst passing over a rainbow, thus absorbing each of its radiant hues.


How many types of flowering plants are there?


There are over 400,000 different species of flowering plants in the world!


This famous pet was a big part in a Canadian television series based upon a well-known 1958 movie of the same name directed by Charles R. Rondeau. This pet was able to help so many people.

Littlest Hobo

Fun fact this dogs name is London but several of London's relatives, including Toro, Litlon, and Thorn, also played scenes as the Hobo. 


Where did the game ping pong originate from?

The game originated in England during the 1880s, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlour game. It has been suggested that the game was first developed by British military officers in India or South Africa who brought it back with them.


This famous made children's life's a fun and happy place with his many films and his name has gone down in history for the creation of great characters both colour and black and white.

His fame started with a fictional rodent character.

What is the best known cursed gemstone?

Sapphire called Hope Diamond

According to the legend, a curse attends the owner of the Hope diamond, a curse that first befell the large, blue gem when it was plucked (i.e. stolen) from an idol in India—a curse that foretold bad luck and death not only for the owner of the diamond but for all who touched it.


What flower is used to treat wounds and burns

Aloe vera plant is commonly used to treat burns and wounds.


This famous dog had a beautiful white and sable coat and was full of energy. This breed also comes with a white and black spotted coat, that makes it stand out from other similar breeds. However she made her best appearance on live TV. 



What color is a crab?

While they might be bright red when they hit your dinner plate, crabs and lobsters are usually brown, olive-green or gray when alive and in the wild (at least in the mid-Atlantic U.S.; crustaceans farther south come in a variety of vibrant colors).


This famous female American actress won many awards for her time on screen but the role that started her journey was her role as an angel

Farrah Fawcett


What is the hardest gemstone?


The average cost of one is between $1,800.00-$12,000.00 and that is based on its Carat Weight and if there are impurities in it.


What most expensive flower and how much is it?

The most expensive flower is the Juliet rose, which sells for $15,800 per stem.


This famous cartoon dog made his debut in 1969 and achieved great success. He goes on adventures with his friends solving mysteries.



Is a peanut a real nut?

Peanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as "tree nuts"). Peanuts, along with beans and peas, belong to the single plant family, Leguminosae. Legumes are edible seeds enclosed in pods.


This famous actor shook the world with his amazing english voice and amazing acting skills. This gentleman was a suave kind of guy.

Sean Conrey


What gemstone does change color?


Often described as “emerald by day, ruby by night,” alexandrite is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl that changes color from bluish green in daylight to purplish red under incandescent light.

What is the best thing about flowers?

They smell great but did you know that there is more about them then you know.

Flowers can hear buzzing bees

Flowers are used as natural insecticides. For example, the pyrethrum daisy is commonly used as a green pest control measure.

Flowers are thermogenic and can generate heat to attract pollinators.

Flowers are known to emit a faint humming noise that is inaudible to humans.

Flowers are capable of growing incredibly fast. For example, the world’s fastest-growing flower is the bamboo orchid, which can grow up to 12 inches in a single day.

Flowers have been used in religious ceremonies for centuries. For example, lotus flowers were associated with the sun god Ra in ancient Egypt.

Some flowers are capable of moving, a trait that is known as thigmotropism.


This famous pet achieved his fame for saving a small village in Alaska,Nome from a diphtheria outbreak saving many men, woman and children. This dog lead a team of sled dogs to retrieve the vaccine to the outbreak.


Balto was so important they made a statue of him in NYC central park and he has an exhibit in Cleveland, Ohio.


What are the three fairies names in the disney film "Sleeping Beauty"?

Flora, Fauna and Merryweather (known collectively as the Three Good Fairies) are major characters in Disney's 1959 animated film Sleeping Beauty. In the film, Flora is voiced by Verna Felton, Fauna is voiced by Barbara Jo Allen, and Merryweather is voiced by Barbara Luddy.
