Remember When
Pure Luck
All Animals
Someone's in
the kitchen...
Old wives tales

This boot, popular in the mid to late 1960's, were most likely named after go-go dancers. 

What are go-go boots.


A four-leaved what is considered lucky?

What is a four leaved clover. Did you ever spend lots time looking for one as a kid?


This animal has an extremely long neck. 

What is a giraffe. 


How do you thicken gravy?

You add a little flour. 


True or false: You should wait 30 minutes after eating before you swim.

False, it doesn't really make a difference.


This refers to a dance where you take off your shoes and dance in your socks.

What is a sock hop.


Another object that is considered good luck is one that is said to catch negative images from dreams. What is its name?

a) Dream catcher

b) Dream eraser

c) Dream imager

d) Dream weaver


What is a dream catcher.


This animal loves to roll around in mud.

What is a pig.


Chocolate cake has what powder in it, that gives it its color and flavor?

What is cocoa powder.


True or false: Chewing gum stays stuck in your stomach for seven years

False, the mayo clinic reassures us it does indeed pass intact. It still isn't easily digested, or a good idea to swallow it though. 


This is what you call an outdoor movie theatre.

What is drive-in movie theatre. Remember going there on a nice summer night?


What animal is considered unlucky? Witches have been known to own them.

What is a black cat. 


What animal is the largest animal?

What is the blue whale. 

This company is famous for their chocolate chip cookie.

What is Nestle Tollhouse.


True or false: Hair of the dog cures a hangover 

What is false. It just delays the inevitable. 


If you're "cruisin' for a bruisin' ", that means...

What is you are looking for trouble. 


This number is universally unlucky.

What is the number 13. Some buildings, including hotels, have gone as far as to skip the 13th floor and go straight to 14. 

A baby cow is called a...

What is a calf. 


What does it mean to baste?

pour juices or melted fat over (meat) during cooking in order to keep it moist. Itis common to baste a turkey while it's cooking for thanksgiving dinner.

Is the five second rule for food really safe?

If you've ever exclaimed, "Five second rule!" while picking up a dropped piece of candy and popping it into your mouth, we have bad news. Scientists from Rutgers University found that bacteria transfers to food starting immediately. How much depends on the type of flooring and food involved, but it's best not to eat anything that hit the ground at all.


This popular toy was invented in 1959. Hint: you can clothe it, and brush its hair.

What is a Barbie Doll. 


What do two people break on thanksgiving, hoping to get the bigger piece of, because it's lucky?

What is a wishbone. Having the longer piece is said to bring good fortune. If it was split evenly, both people are said to have their wish come true. 


This animal has spikes all over to protect it, and can roll up into a spikey ball. 

What is a porcupine. 


What is an 'aromatic' ?

Aromatics refer to vegetables and herbs that add flavor and aroma to a dish.


True or false: Chicken Soup cures a cold?

What is true. Scientists believe that a bowl of chicken soup may actually reduce inflammation of the lungs. It is thought that chicken soup slows down the activity of white blood cells that can cause the inflammation.
