List three sour candies.
What is Sweet Tarts, sour patch kids, sour twizzlers, and sour gummy worms
I'm lovin' it.
Capital of Germany
Trivia Question: Fill in the blank: "21, can you __ ______ ___ ___?"
"21, can you do something for me?"
Trivia Question: What was the name of this school before it was Neelsville Middle School?
What is Martin Luther King Junior Middle School
What popular chocolate candy has a golden colored wrapper?
What is Twix.
"Just do it"
Eiffel tower
France, Paris
Trivia Question: What bird symbolizes America?
The Eagle
What year will Neelsville's new building open?
What is 2024?
Sour patch kids always shaped like kids. True or False?
"The quicker picker upper"
What language is most widely spoken in China?
Mandarin or Cantonese
Trivia Question: Which planet is the hottest?
Trivia Question: True or False
Neelsville has a talent show.
Unscramble this hard candy!
Sweet Tarts
They keep going and going and going.
Energizer Batteries
What language do they speak in Brazil?
Trivia Question: What is the most common letter in English? A, E, I
Who were the two art teachers in the 2022-2023 school year?
Mr. Ru and Mr. Skibicki
What are the original five flavors of Life Savers candy?
Cherry, raspberry, watermelon, orange and pineapple
"Eat fresh"
Capital of Ireland
Trivia Question: What’s the most populated city in the United States?
New York
Trivia Question: What was Neelsville's previous mascot before it was changed to the Nighthawks?
True or false: You use hot temperatures to make chewing candy?
False. Cold temperatures.
"The happiest place in the world."
Name the largest country in the world
Trivia Question: Name all the colors in a rainbow
Trivia Question: What is Ms. Budd's famous catch phrase? (What does she always say??)
"Go be great!"
What chocolate candy bar includes vanilla, chocolate, and carmel?
What is 3 musketeers
"Like a good neighbor _______ is there"
State Farm
Capital of Greece
Trivia Question: Which public figure has the most followers on Instagram at 600 million?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Which principal has been working at Neelsville the longest out of Mrs. Sigley, Mrs. Sullivan, and Mrs. Escobar?
Mrs. Sigley
What candy has two colors, red and white?
"You're in good hands"
What language do they speak in Costa Rica?
Trivia Question: What two primary colors make the color green?
Blue and Yellow
Trivia Question: Name at least 1 staff member whose title starts with "Dr." (doctor)
Dr. Reaid, Dr. Green, Dr. Rosa
What sour candies are shaped like humans?
What is sour patch kids.
Easy. Breezy. Beautiful.
Cover Girl
Name 3 countries in North America
Canada, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis
Trivia Question: Where can you find the Great Pyramids?
Which teacher has been teaching at Neelsville for over 20 years?
Mr. Kraushar
True or false: do some lolipops have chewy candy in the middle?
"America runs on"
Name one of the 2 national languages in USA
English and Spanish
Trivia Question: On a farm, what's a kid?
A baby goat
Trivia Question: Which teacher also serves as the Athletic Director?
Mr. Massey