3 Things you need
verb of the head
accusative subject
What is the definition of an ablative absolute?
A noun and a participle both in the ablative case
English word you add
Addendum #1
Because the verb esse has neither a present nor perfect participle, sometimes a noun and an adjective or 2 nouns s may comprise the AA.
An example IN LATIN of a verb of the head
duco, cogo, sentio, etc.
Addendum #2
Urbem Tróiam á Graecís decem annós obsessam esse satis cónstat
It is agreed upon that the city of Troy was besiged by the Greeks after ten years.
omnibus paratis
with everything having been prepared.
Dixit patrem amāre filiās.
He said that the father loved his daughters.
What was Hector and Andromache's sons name?
What is Astyanax
acceptīs litterīs
With the letters having been recieved.