When was Boy Scouts founded?
When is 1910
What item are boy scouts famous for selling?
What is ham
What Council are we part of?
What is crossroads of america
What does SPL stand for?
What is a Senior Patrol Leader
What scout related phrase is:
“On my honor, I will do my best to help other people at all times.”
A part of?
What is the scout oath
BSA is an abbreviation of:
What is Boy Scouts of America
Which Eagle Scout directed an indiana Jones movie?
Who is Steven Spielberg
What is the scout slogan?
What is "do a good turn daily"
What is Be Prepared?
What is the scout motto.
The highest rank of Boy scouts is?
What is Eagle
What is a large group of scouts called?
What is a troop
All of the boy scout ranks in order are?
What is scout, tenderfoot, 2nd class, 1st class, star, life, eagle
What is a large, festive gathering, often of Boy Scouts nationwide?
What is a jamboree
How many eagle required merit badges are there?
What is 13
What is Scouts' Life?
What is a scouting magazine
How many presidents achieved the rank of eagle scout?
What is only one
When was our troop founded?
When was 1927
What is a 10-letter word for a new scout as well as the second rank in Boy Scouts?
What is Tenderfoot
How many ranks are there in boy scouts.
What is 7
In what year did the Boy Scout program change its name to Scouts BSA?
When is 2019