Blue Pheonix
Two 2" roller bandages, roll of adhesive tape, 12 3x3 sterile pads, adhesive bandage strips, 3 elastic bandages, thermometer, scissors, tweezers, safety pins, calamine lotion, 2 pair examination gloves, antiseptic, antibiotic ointment, water based burn gel, mouth barrier device
MB 2d Prepare a first aid kit for your home.
Object in the eye Bite of suspected rabid animal Puncture wounds from a splinter, nail, and fishhook Serious burns Heat exhaustion Shock Heatstroke, dehydration, hypothermia, and hyperventilation
A fatal reaction called anaphylaxis in people who have a severe allergy. It is possible to have the same reaction to foods and medicines (peanuts and shellfish are also common causes of anaphylatic reactions). The effects are nearly immediate -- swelling of the neck and face, sweating, difficulty breathing and hives are among the most common signs. Many people with severe allergies, especially bee stings, carry a device called an Epi-Pen. An Epi-Pen is a dosage of a powerful drug, epinephrine, which counteracts an anaphylactic reaction. To use it, remove the safety cap and simply press the needle end firmly against the victim's thigh, about midway between the knee and hip. The spring-loaded needle will automatically extend, delivering the epinephrine into the muscle where it will be rapidly transferred into the bloodstream.
MB 3e. Explain when a bee sting could be life threatening and what action should be taken for prevention and for first aid.
The process of sorting victims, as of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors; the determination of priorities for action in an emergency
MB 2b Explain the term triage.
6 Adhesive Bandages 2 Sterile, 3x3 inch gauze pads A small bottle of alcohol based hand sanitizing gel A small tube of triple antibiotic ointment Scissors Disposable nonlatex gloves CPR breathing barrier Pencil and paper
The core body temperature becomes too cold. Ordinarily, the body begins shivering to regain lost heat. When there is no longer enough energy for this to occur, hypothermia begins and the victim will stop shivering and become confused or unconscious. Warming the victim's body may require extra clothing (or the replacement of wet clothing) or using a fire or body heat. Re-warming should occur over time (rather than suddenly) unless the victim's body temperature also dropped suddenly (i.e. fell into an icy lake). Rapid re-warming of a chronic hypothermia patient can lead to re-warming shock Involuntary muscle spasms that can be caused by a variety of diseases and injuries. There is no emergency treatment, but it is important to not hold the victim down or otherwise restrain him, and to give nothing by mouth (contrary to widely-held opinion, the victim will not "choke on his tongue"). These seizures are not uncommon in people afflicted with epilepsy, and these convulsions are generally not dangerous (though a doctor should still be consulted if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes). You should also remove all loose furniture that the victim could injure themselves by flailing a body part into it. If the person does not regularly have seizures, medical help should be call for. Try to reassure the person and be sure that they can breath. Medical professionals will want to know how long the seizure lasted and if the person injured themselves in any way, especially their head, neck, or back. Often fingers or toes, freezes completely. The skin will first turn blue, then white, and finally black. Get the person to a warm area. Then warm the hand or foot slowly in water, beginning with a room temperature and gradually adding warmer and warmer water. Don't wrap the affected area in anything, this could cause the affected tissue to be killed off.
Describe the symptoms, proper first aid procedures, and possible prevention measures for the following conditions: Hyothermia, Convulsions/Seizures and Frostbite.
Insufficient amount of water for the normal functioning of the body. It is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that can result in lowered blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting, among other things. Treatment is usually by replenishing the body with necessary water and electrolytes. It is most important to give the person water. Beverages like soda are not good but are better than nothing. Eating solid food without water content does not help the condition. Black and blue marks are common bruises. Keep cold, wet towel over the bruise for 30-60 minutes to help prevent more blood from leaking into the tissues. Next day apply a warm wet cloth. A Strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon. Apply ice pack to reduce swelling and pain. Wrap firmly with an elastic bandage to limit the swelling and to protect the injury. Stay off the injury. Good physical conditioning and proper warmup before exercise help to prevent strained muscles and tendons. A sprain is cased by twisting, wrenching, or lifting movements that tear or stretch tissues around a joint. Raise the injured part, apply cold compresses, and treat as a fracture or broken bone. Mild burns cause a painful reddening of the skin. A typical first-degree burn is a sunburn. A second-degree burn is a burn that raises blisters. Severe or third-degree burns char layers of skin and flesh. Do not treat burns with jellies, creams, greases, or sprays. First aid for mild burns, apply ice packs or damp, cold cloths, do not break blisters, let dry and cover it with a loose bandage. For serious burns, protect the burn by draping it with a clean, damp cloth. Do not apply ice, because it could cause shock. Treat for shock. If victim is able to drink, give lots of milk or water or other fluids. Seek medical attention, quickly.
MB 5 Describe the symptoms, proper first aid procedures, and possible prevention measures for the following conditions: Dehdration, Bruises, Strains, Sprains and Burns.
Simple cuts and scrapes Blisters on the hand and foot Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial or first degree) Bites or stings of insects and ticks Venomous snakebite Nosebleed Frostbite and sunburn
A stomachache is nothing more than a pain caused by overeating, eating too fast, or eating an odd mixture of strange or unusual foods. Have person lie down. Give an antacid to help relieve the pain. Don’t give the person anything solid to eat. Gently clean. Place cold compress on face, to minimize swelling. Go to the dentist immediately. Pick up tooth carefully by the crown, not by the roots. Do NOT rinse off, it will lessen chances for success. Gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket (even if there is dirt on it), pressing down until no more roots can be seen. If not possible place in container of milk and go immediately to the dentist. The dentist will prescribe antibiotics for infection. Usually caused by lack of water. Muscle cramps can be minor or painful. Apply firm pressure or gently massage to help relieve the muscle spasms. Drink water to help prevent future cramps
MB 5 Describe the symptoms, proper first aid procedures, and possible prevention measures for the following conditions: Abdominal pain, Broken, chipped or lossened tooth, knowcked out tooth and Muscle cramps.
Keep emergency numbers posted at the phone along with your address. 911 service is available in most areas. If phones are not working, go to a neighbor that has emergency training. Cell phone, radio, messenger, or evacuate. Signal fires and sounds are a last resort if you cannot evacuate. Be sure to leave a map and schedule at home to trigger an automatic rescue response. Powered craft should be equipped with a marine band radio tuned to the emergency channel (#16). Flares and smoke bombs can be carried on any boat but must be used with caution. A distress flag (orange with a black dot and a black square) or signal mirror may be useful over short distances.
MB 2a Explain how you would obtain emergency medical assistance from your house, on a wilderness camping trip, and during an activity on open water.
Apply Direct Pressure Cover the wound with a sterile pad (or a bandanna, shirt, or any clean cloth) Press hard Wrap the pad firmly in place. If the pad becomes soaked with blood, do NOT remove it. Place another on top of it. Treat for Shock. Check that the scene is safe for you to help Check that the victim is unresponsive – (shake and shout) Tell someone to call for help Check for breathing – cheek by face, looking down body Open Airway – head tilt, chin lift Check for breathing again, while keeping airway open. Perform CPR until help arrives, it becomes unsafe, or you are physically exhausted. Discuss what to do for Internal Poisoning: (pg 169-170) Check that it is safe for you to help. Quickly take the poison container (if available) to the phone. Call a poison control center or emergency medical center and follow their instructions. Treat for Shock and check breathing frequently. Save all containers and vomit.
SC 7a Show what to do for "hurry" cases of stopped breathing, serious bleeding, and internal poisoning.
By carrying them as you would a baby (if you are big/strong enough). By helping them walk (drape their arm over your neck). By using a pack-strap carry (if you are strong enough). By crawling while the victim holds onto your shoulders/neck. By grabbing their shoulders/shirt, cradling their head in your arms and pulling. By rolling them onto a blanket or sleeping bag and pulling. By grabbing their feet and pulling. Help them walk by surrounding them and holding up their arms (conscious victim). Improvise a stretcher from blankets and poles. Seat the victim in a chair and carry the chair. Use a hammock carry to hold the person horizontal (with two or more helpers). Use a two-handed seat carry. Find two poles about 8' long, and thick enough to hold up your patient's weight. Place them onto a blanket or tarp, so that a there is enough slack on each side of both sticks for the blanket/tarp to fold to the other stick, and there is enough room between your sticks to lay a person out comfortably. Fold one side of the cloth over, so it reaches the other side. Now, fold the other side over the sticks. Fold the second side more, as necessary. Place your patient on it but do not pick it up yet. Once the patient is securely on the stretcher, carefully and slowly pick it up. The patient's body weight should hold it together.
MB 6a. If a sick or injured person must be moved, tell how you would determine the best method. Demonstrate this method. 6b. With helpers under your supervision, improvise a stretcher and move a presumably unconscious person
Grab a buddy, taking turns pick one of the following to teach you buddy. How to treat a head injury How to make a sling for an arm How to splint a leg How to treat someone with a severe cut
Teach another Scout a first-aid skill selected by your counselor.
Lay the victim down and elevate legs. Call 911. Keep warm, calm and comfortable. Monitor breathing as CPR may be required before help arrives. Transport only if no EMS is available. Under no circumstances should the patient attempt to drive to the hospital.
MB 3a. Explain what action you should take for someone who shows signals of shock, for someone who shows signals of a heart attack, and for someone who shows signals of stroke.
A. Blanket Drag B. Clothes Drag C. Ankle Drag A. Walking Assist B. Pack-strap Carry – only a person smaller than you C. Two-Handed Carry D. Four Handed Seat Carry E. If you have time, use the
FC 8c Show how to transport by yourself, and with one other person, a person: from a smoke-filled room and with a sprained ankle, for at least 25 yards.
When the core body temperature rises too far for the body's natural defense mechanisms to function. Ordinarily, if the body temperature goes up, sweat is released; the sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, thus removing heat from the body. In an absence of water or salt, sweating can not occur and heatstroke begins. It is a serious, life-threatening problem that can cause death in minutes. A victim should be cooled down, by removing clothing, placing in the shade or other methods, and should be given water to drink in small sips. Do not give large gulps. This will make it worse. If convulsions occur, do not attempt to restrain the victim. Definitely, do not move the victim!
MB 3f . Explain the symptoms of heatstroke and what action needs to be taken for first aid and for prevention.
Anybody that has fallen more than 15 feet, been in a car crash, or hit their head should be suspected of having a back or neck injury. Symptoms may include the person is complaining of any pain in their head, neck, or back, or they have numbness in any of their extremities. However, the person may not be complaining of any pain at all and still have an injury. The problem with these injuries is that any damage to the back and especially the neck can lead to paralysis or even death. A head injury can lead to brain damage, blood loss, or death. The most important thing to remember about spinal injuries is not to move the person unless absolutely necessary. Moving the person can make a bad injury worse. The only times when you should move such a person is if: • You must move them to get to a more seriously injured person. • The person is in a dangerous position and you are able to move them to a safer place • You need to perform CPR and need to place the person on a hard surface The best thing that you can do is to tell the person not to move. If needed, hold their head in place. Medical professionals call this "holding C-Spine, " or the inline neutral position. Make sure that the person can breath and they have a pulse, then wait for help to arrive. If the person is bleeding from the head, try to stop the bleeding. Direct pressure is important here, but do not press too hard as you might further injure the skull. This is the one case where you do not treat for shock! If you notice a clear fluid coming from the ears, nose or mouth, do not stop it.
MB 4b. Describe the symptoms and possible complications and demonstrate proper procedures for treating suspected injuries to the head, neck, and back. Explain what measures should be taken to reduce the possibility of further complicating these injuries.
There are several types of bone fracture, including: • Oblique - a fracture (also called a simple fracture) which goes at an angle to the axis • Comminuted - a fracture of many relatively small fragments • Spiral - a fracture which runs around the axis of the bone • Compound - a fracture (also called open) which breaks the skin Broken Bone Don'ts: • DO NOT move the person unless the broken bone is firmly secured with a splint or sling. • DO NOT move a person with an injured hip, pelvis, or upper leg unless it is absolutely necessary. If you must move the person, pull the person to safety by his clothes (such as by the shoulders of a shirt, a belt, or pant-legs). • DO NOT move a person who has a possible spine injury. • DO NOT attempt to straighten a bone or change its position unless blood circulation appears hampered. • DO NOT try to reposition a suspected spine injury. • DO NOT test a bone's ability to move. • DO NOT give the person anything by mouth.
MB 4a. Describe the signals of a broken bone. Show first aid procedures for handling fractures (broken bones), including open (compound) fractures of the forearm, wrist, upper leg, and lower leg using improvised materials.
• Direct pressure -- place a hand firmly over the wound and press hard • Elevation -- if on an extremity, lift the limb over the person's heart • Pressure point -- place directed pressure at one of the "pressure points". On the arm, this is between the bicep and tricep on the upper arm (a pulse is normally palpable) and on the leg midway down the thigh and between the two leg muscles. • Tourniquet -- (For use in emergencies only) tie a cravat, rope or belt above the wound as tight as possible, in order to completely cut off circulation to the injured area. The most typical method of tying it is a simple overhand knot, held tight while a pencil or stick is placed on top of the middle of the knot. Another overhand knot is tied, and the pencil or stick can be twisted to tighten the knot. Cutting off circulation for extended periods can lead to the amputation of the limb, so this must not be used unless all other methods have been tried and there is no hope for help in the near future. The time should be noted when the tourniquet is applied, as this will be helpful for the doctors.
MB 3d. Show the steps that need to be taken for someone suffering from a severe cut on the leg and on the wrist. Tell the dangers in the use of a tourniquet and the conditions under which its use is justified.
To wear gloves when collecting or handling blood and body fluids contaminated with blood, wearing face shields when there was danger of blood splashing on mucous membranes and disposing of all needles and sharp objects in puncture-resistant containers.
MB 2c Explain the standard precautions as applied to bloodborne pathogens.
Rescue breathing is used if the victim does not begin breathing when the airway is opened. It also helps warm a severely hypothermic person who is breathing very slowly. Chest compressions should only be used when there are no signs of circulation: coughing, moving, pulse, skin color takes more than 2 seconds to return after finger pressure is removed
MB 3b. Identify the conditions that must exist before performing CPR on a person. Then demonstrate proper technique in performing CPR using a training device approved by your counselor.
A. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the chest, possibly spreading to neck and arms B. Unusual sweating C. Nausea D. Shortness of breath E. A feeling of weakness Remember ABCs – Airway, Breathing, Circulation: A. Check that the scene is safe for you to help B. Check that the victim is unresponsive – (shake and shout) C. Tell someone to call for help D. Check for breathing – cheek by face, looking down body E. Open Airway – head tilt, chin lift F. Check for breathing again, while keeping airway open. G. Using a mouth shield, give 2 breaths H. Give 30 chest compressions I. Repeat G and H until help arrives, it becomes unsafe, or you are physically exhausted.
FC 8d Tell the five most common signs of a heart attack. Explain the steps (procedures) in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Immobilize area in position found Put ice or cold pack on area Wrap joint with compression bandage Use soft splint to immobilize and support joint Seek medical attention if appropriate Place the middle of the bandage over the dressing Cross the two ends of the bandage in opposite directions completely around the head Tie the ends over the dressing (Figure 3-11 C). Place padding between the arm and the victim’s side. Put the arm on the injured side in a triangular sling with the hand elevated about four to five inches. Secure the arm on the injured side to the body with a medium cravat. Center the bandage on the outside of the arm. Carry the bandage across the chest and back. Tie over a pad on the uninjured side of the body.
FC 8b Demonstrate bandages for a sprained ankle, and for injuries on the head, the upper arm, and the collarbone.
It automatically diagnoses the heart rhythm and determines if a shock is needed. Automatic models will administer the shock without the user's command. Semi-automatic models will tell the user that a shock is needed, but the user must tell the machine to do so, usually by pressing a button
Explain the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Do not attempt to drive a person to a hospital emergency department. It is best not to do anything if the person is coughing forcefully and not turning a bluish color. If the person is able to answer you by speaking, it is a partial airway obstruction. Stay with the person and encourage him or her to cough until the obstruction is cleared. Do not give the person anything to drink because fluids may take up space needed for the passage of air. Someone who cannot answer by speaking and can only nod the head has a complete airway obstruction and needs emergency help. The treatment for a person who begins to turn blue or stops breathing varies with the person's age. In adults and children older than one year of age, abdominal thrusts (formerly referred to as the "Heimlich maneuver") should be attempted. This is a thrust that creates an artificial cough. It may be forceful enough to clear the airway. If the person loses consciousness gently lay him or her flat on their back on the floor. To clear the airway, kneel next to the person and put the heel of your hand against the middle of the abdomen, just below the ribs. Place your other hand on top and press inward and upward five times with both hands. If the airway clears and the person is still unresponsive, begin CPR. For babies (younger than one year of age), the child will be too small for abdominal thrusts to be successful. Instead, the infant should be picked up and five back blows should be administered, followed by five chest thrusts. Be careful to hold the infant with the head angled down to let gravity assist with clearing the airway. Also be careful to support the infant's head. If the infant turns blue or becomes unresponsive, CPR should be administered. If you are in doubt about what to do, call for emergency help immediately, do not delay. You may be able to successfully help before emergency medical team arrives using techniques discussed here. If something is still in the person's throat, the emergency medical team can begin car.