What does SPL stand for
What is Senior Patrol Leader
What is the first knot tought in Boy Scouts
What is the square knot
What does OA stand for
What is the order of the Arrow
What is the name of the main shirt you wear to meetings
What is Class A
Was Theodore Roosevelt a boyscout
What is the first rank in boy scouts
What is scout rank
What is the sixth law in the scout law
What is Kind
What summer camp does troop 86 go to every year
What is ingersol
What is the color of scout pants(typically)
Was Dwayne (the rock) Johnson a boyscout
What is “ on my honor, I will do my duty, to god and my country” part of
What is Scout Oath
Repeat the Outdoor Code
Who founded boyscouts
Lord Baden powel
Are slides or crocs proper shoe wear
Was Robert Downey Jr a boyscout
What are the 4 steps to rank advancement
Learning, testing, reviewing, and recongnition
What is the big gathering, often of Boy Scouts very 4 years. Nationally
What is National Jamboree
Proper winter gear
Gloves, layers, jackets, a million socks, boots, etc
Was was Steven Spielberg a boyscout
What is scout spirt
What is the attitude and the way of life of living the scout oath and law by following them
How is the leadership decided in the troop
What is I ain’t writing all that( but I’ll explain)
When was Boy Scouts founded
What is the full uniform
Class A, neckerchief, slide, scout pants, appropriate shoes and socks, scout belt
How many presidents have been involving with boyscouts